Photo Diary: Lady Gaga on BART?
Photo by AliThanawalla
Sure looks like it to my untrained eye. Either way, nice photo.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by AliThanawalla
Sure looks like it to my untrained eye. Either way, nice photo.
By now, we hope you know about the amazing photography being committed and distributed every day, many times a day, for free, over at Caliber SF. The talents behind that website are immense, and deserve your bookmarking/subscribing.
The photo above is by 1/4 of the talent at Caliber, friend of Muni Diaries, Julie Michelle.
Photo by ganesha.isis
No, by “tip” we don’t mean advice. Just referencing what we found to be a funny and perplexing tweet yesterday from @biorhythmist:
How much do you tip Muni drivers? I don’t want to look like an ass.
Anyone care to help Mr. Rhythmist out?
Via Beth W. via Laughing Squid, we were informed of this triptastically awesome Ellingson art that’s popping up at area BART stations. Laughing Squid has more.
J.B. Davis spied this funeral march down in SOMA the other day. Kinda beautiful-tragic, dontcha think?
We received this diary from Muni rider Ben, with the following admission:
I randomly saw this when I was doing some research and wanted to see if any of you know of any other Muni appearances in adult film?
Hmmm, hope that research ended well for ya, Ben. Also, why not submit the entire video and let us decide how much of it to show here on Muni Diaries? We’re not exactly a “family” publication, you know?
But to Ben’s question: Have you encountered Muni in your online research porn?