Meanwhile, on @munidiaries

Photo by @amber_kit

The @munidiaries Twitter feed runneth over with the ins and outs of your daily commute. Blink and you might miss @amber_kit‘s picture of a man who brought his own seating on the bus (above). In case you aren’t a Twitter fiend like we and @munidiaries‘ 3300+ followers are, we’ve picked out this week’s best tweets.

Meanwhile, on @munidiaries:

@bryceyadolphson: If the hipster with the open mouth coffee mug spills on me… its gonna be Battle: SF.

@rockbandit: Homeless dude on Muni now giving tickets to women for “being too pretty.”

@ladue: Last night on the 22 bus, a crazy woman got on and proceeded to take up the entire front row of seats with her teddy bears. #muni

@lifebeginsat30#Muni driver just cutely picked me up in the middle of the block. He: “You looked at me, you smiled, I had to give in.”

@andreaprete: Forgot my crochet stuff so today on Muni I’m gonna imagine who on the train can wear a bow tie w/o looking like a tool.

Follow us on Twitter and tweet your Muni ride to @munidiaries. Your tweet might end up here next week!

Scratching an itch on Muni

Photo by purpletwinkie

Katie posted a story on her Tumblr blog (A Streetcar Called Taraval) that had me covering my face in laughter and horror. Read on:

So I’m riding a 71 from downtown with my boyfriend. At Sixth street, a woman begs the driver, “I don’t have any money, I just need to go to the hospital!” The driver doesn’t have time for her story, so he lets her on without fare. She sits in the designated seating, spread across three seats. She’s wearing an ankle-length skirt. She has a stained T-shirt stretched over pendulous breasts that reach her navel. She has a shock of bright pink hair and is about 5’3” and 350. It’s late December, and she’s smiling and wishing a Merry Christmas to all of the riders.

All the locals summarily ignore her because we’re used to sixth street crazies on the bus. Then she starts itching her leg. She works her skirt up a little bit and claws at her calf. Whatever. A couple of tourists get on the bus with their muni 3-day passports. They look like a young couple from New England. The woman wishes them a drunk “Merrrrry Christmuss!!” and smiles. They awkwardly exchange a holiday greeting back. This woman has since moved on to itching her inner knee…. Her skirt is hiked up a little bit more, so she can reach it. She’s still overflowing with holiday cheer.

Finish reading Katie’s story on A Streetcar Called Taraval.

Have Muni write a doctor’s note when Munifail occurs

SF Appeal and everyone in San Francisco with a Twitter account reports on nearly systemwide service issues this morning.

And so Muni rider Kath decided to take matters into her own hands, so to speak:

Yes, I was late today — very late — despite leaving early in hopes of having time to grab a cup of coffee before work. And yes, it was Muni’s fault… it took 20 minutes to get from Castro to Van Ness (via metro tunnel), for starters. So, yes, I DID make them write me a late note when I finally got to Embarcadero station. I plan on doing this every time they make me late from now on. And I encourage you to do the same!

— Kath

PS: of course, the delay really started at 7.45A this morning, but for this first-time late note I’ll take what I can get.

Go, Kath!

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