Photo by Aaron Cole
Prompted by Mel’s post last week about the so-called T-Third Toucher, Kate sends the following warning:
I had the displeasure of a NJudah pervert recently between Cole Valley & Duboce Park. Doesn’t sound like it’s the “T-Third Toucher,” however, as he definitely wasn’t over 6 feet.
He got on at Cole Valley (my stop), immediately tried to squirm behind me into the corner, which was unnecessary as the train wasn’t super packed. I moved away, but he inched closer and closer, finally swinging around and again pressing up against my back, followed by a full-on body thrust. I pushed him off and he turned to presumably repeat his actions on another woman, who quickly moved.
Lucky me, he turned his attention back on me. I told him to F-off, at which point he spit on me. So disgusting. He added a barrage of sexual comments as well. Other passengers hit the emergency call button and once the driver came back he ran off.
I filed a report with both Muni and SFPD. We’ll see if anything happens.
His description: white, mid-late 30’s, appx 5’8″-5’9″; brown hair; average build. Horrid brown teeth. Was wearing neon sunglasses. Also was humming/singing loudly and acting erratic aka druggie.
Ladies (and everyone, really): Be careful out there. And report the creeps who cross the line.