Photo by Flickr user jen_maiser
A couple weeks ago, rider Martha told us about a 49-Van Ness that smelled like basil, which was noteworthy because the 49 never smells like something you’d want to eat.
“Muni smells like…” actually shows up a lot on the @munidiaries Twitter feed. Here are our recent favorites.
@jessicasuzette: #Muni smelled like strawberries, somebody went to #farmersmarket love clean trains.
Could go either way
@WillieFDiazSF: Someone on this Muni bus smells like Hot Dog juice. Makes me wanna have a BBQ.
@jdaisy: this LTaraval smells like fish AND chips.
The Bad
@cache_theory: the smells of the #sfmuni…urine & moth balls
@RGreenberg: Guy just got on #muni smelling like week-old pants, and fertilizer.
The Optimistic
@fsquared: This bus smells like pancakes and syrup. #wishfulthinking #muni
We’re constantly impressed by your creativity and the, um, evocative descriptions you send. So keep ’em comin’!