Adorable grandparents give gift of 1970s Fast Passes

1970 vintage fast pass reddit muni diaries

Grandparents are the best, especially when they bust out some serious vintage goodies like these amazing Fast Passes. Over on Reddit, we found this collection of 1970s Fast Passes given as a gift from some seriously awesome grandparents.

I mean, just look at these designs. Somehow I think our grandchildren aren’t going to be too excited when we dig up our Clipper cards to pass onto them.

Here’s the whole lot:

vintage fast passes grandparents gift muni diaries

We love people who hang onto cool vintage stuff like this. Here are even more old Fast Passes through the years.

Got a story or vintage Muni goods from your time capsule? Muni Diaries only exists on your submissions! Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

Do you knit on Muni?


If you’re a knitter, or if you’ve ever worn a sweater in your life, you’d appreciate this sweet exchange that we found by Ray on Instagram:

I was riding home from work on Muni today, minding my own business, when out of nowhere a stranger (who apparently had been watching me during his commute) walked up to me and exclaimed: “You never drop a stitch, and your tension is perfect!” I was completely flustered by the attention and all I could do was thank him. This is what I was knitting on the rickety ride home.

I hereby resolve to give out more compliments to strangers this year! Head over to his Insta to see the finished product. Pretty cool.

Got other important news for your fellow riders? Tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox is always open!

Are you a podcast fan? Hear the brand new episode today on the Muni Diaries podcast! Find us on iTunes and Google Play.

Muni lessons learned: I love you and hang loose


I’ve long maintained that you can actually see the best in humanity on Muni (let’s call it hu-MUNI-ty) if you look closely. I think it’s especially true when you’re taking the bus to an errand you don’t particularly want to be doing.

I was on a 5 recently, and the bureaucratic underpinnings of my tasks ahead easily overshadowed the peppy songs on my Pandora station and the equally peppy group of developmentally disabled adults and two chaperones that joined me on the bus on Market Street.

Try as it might, the eye-rolling promise of red tape couldn’t stop the positive train from rolling right through my cranky little heart.

Despite a couple of their wheelchairs nearly getting eaten by cranky back doors (seriously, bus), the group of about 10 all made it on safely. The chaperones started signing to each other as the bus went along its way, and one of their charges seemed fascinated by their hand dances. She was so fascinated — and within my eye line — that I was fascinated. I stared at the lot of them, definitely in the mood to see something, anything, well, nice.

Whether intentionally or not — I like to think it was a happy accident, like our friend Bob Ross used to say — she started molding her own fingers into the shaka and the signal for I love you, smiling ear to ear the entire time.

It made my entire day. Days later, I’m still thinking about it.

Muni has told us this before, and it’s probably about time we start listening to it: Please love back.

Hear our best Muni stories live on stage! Muni Diaries Live is back on Nov. 5 at the Elbo Room. Online tickets have closed, but you can still get them at the door, which opens at 6pm. See you there!

Pic by Gino Zahnd on Flickr.

Mystery rider’s sweet Post-It reminder for all


Some really nice and positive-thinking person stuck this Post-It note next to the Priority Seating sign on Muni recently:

“Beauty is loving who you are and letting that radiate through your smile, walk, talk, and overall being.”

Right on, fellow rider.

Thank you to Leila on Instagram for this reminder to get us through the week!

Other great random notes worth remembering:

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