Poetry is not easy, but Muni provides enough angst and fodder that one man at the Castro Senior Center wrote a poem all about our favorite love-hate mode of transportation. “Why can’t they be on time; If they were I wouldn’t have to whine.” Ain’t that the truth.
Straight from the Muni Diaries submission box to you, by rider Tom Barton.
Here’s a poem that I wrote for the Castro Senior Center where I go.
10 Muni Buses all in a Row
By Tom Barton
10 Muni buses all in a row
everyone’s wondering why it’s so slow
The driver wonders why all the fuss
of course it’s because there has been no bus
Now there is an app for the next bus to come
Yea, but how can I trust it so I don’t have to run
It tells you what to expect
But sometimes it’s a guess
Muni Metro ever so slow
when it will come nobody knows
Muni metro screwed up again
When will it ever end
Another breakdown, another delay
Maybe I should find another way
Muni Metro comes in a bunch
There’s been a breakdown I have a hunch
When I’m in a hurry I have to wait
Why are they many times so late
So Why can’t they be on time
If they were I wouldn’t have to whine
The Muni’s not perfect we know that’s true
So why are we always turning blue
If only we knew what to expect
We wouldn’t always get so upset.
A fare increase, 25 (cents), what the heck
Another quarter in your pocket, please check
With Muni we can always hope for the best
And with hopes that it won’t be another mess
Poetry seems to stem from transit riders, even resulting in a haiku battle between LA Metro and our own BART. Next time a rhyming urge strikes you, tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Our email inbox muni.diaries.sf@gmail.com is always open!