Muni: It’s for the birds
Photo by Erin
Literally. Nearly one after the other, we heard about sightings of winged creatures on San Francisco public transit.
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Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by Erin
Literally. Nearly one after the other, we heard about sightings of winged creatures on San Francisco public transit.
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Does this count as cats on Muni? As the ranking editor of cats-on-Muni this week, I say yes. Go ahead and make this your desktop wallpaper, I’ll wait.
Anyway, rider Kate spotted this in the wild, noting this “Muni rider takes fashion to the next level.”
I think my favorite one is that little ginger fella peeking over the gray one in repose.
Are there cats on Muni, you ask? You bet your ass there are cats on Muni. Peruse our Cute category for more heartwarming, less bodily fluid-y kinds of happenings on SF transit.
Photo by Steve Rhodes
Did this make it on that LA comedian’s rad list of things she hates about San Francisco? Cuz …
On the bus & a girl got this random old man w/ a saxophone to play happy birthday to her bf & the whole bus sang along #sflife @munidiaries
— Kira Thompson (@KiraMaria_) August 23, 2013
Hell. Yes.
Photo by Julian Walker
Showing out-of-town visitors around the city on Muni can be a mixed bag: Will this be the day when projectile vomit forces evacuation, or when a stranger brandishes the banana in his pocket? Fortunately, it was neither for rider Clay S.:
This weekend was the last weekend of my summer internship here in the city, and a few of my friends from college were in town. They were staying at my friend’s place a little north of the Haight, right on the Panhandle. I wanted to show them around town a little, and Dolores Park seemed like a good place for us to go, so I met up with them over there, and we walked over to the Haight to catch the 33.
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An arguably more-welcome sight on the 19-Polk than the usual, wouldn’t you say?
From Muni rider D:
While on the 19-Polk today I saw a young girl squeal with delight at this little face. Definitely NOT a reindeer chihuahua! Such a sweetie that licked my hand as I petted her.
Well add my squeals of delight to the fracas (do you hear them?), because we haven’t had one of these on Muni Diaries since the holiday chihuahua of 2010.