Category: Aww: Cute on Muni
Yoda on Muni: Paid his fare, he did
Now I’m wondering whether the Jedi master was able to make his bus run on time …
Yoda joins a pantheon of Star Wars characters spotted on Muni:
h/t Muni rider Krista: “Yoda says a good day you should have.”
Sleepy Ninja Turtle on Muni
Props to Mom and Dad for dressing up this kid as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and creating the cutest Muni moment this week. Wouldn’t it be great if we could dress in costumes every day? Oh wait, we live in San Francisco, so yes, this is definitely an achievable life goal.
Thanks to @cceres for submitting this Muni moment. Tag #munidiaries on Instagram to submit your own.
Love these Muni moments? Come to Muni Diaries Live on Apr. 16 at the Elbo Room to hear our best stories live! Tickets.
Trumpet-playing Muni driver at it again
Among the many advantages of playing a portable instrument, one of them is that if you’re a Muni driver, you can have a mini practice session while you’re on break! This Muni driver did just that, and we’re oh so charmed. And lookee, it’s not the first time he’s been “caught in the act,” so to speak
Maybe he’s warming up for a performance with these other musicians playing on Muni:
First guitar
Second guitar
Thanks, Amy Spyvee, for submitting this delightful Muni moment on Twitter!
Got your own Muni moment? Tag #munidiaries on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to add your own slice of San Francisco life!
Random stranger’s Muni note on how to improve your day
This reminder of how to make your day (and the day of everyone around you) a little better came from @gaedepa on Twitter.
P.S. Here’s another worthy note found on Muni!
How does Frank Chu get his signs around town, you ask?
Ever wonder how signster* and SF celebrity Frank Chu gets his amazing, informative, and oh-so-San Francisco signs down to Market Street? Muni, of course!
More of Frank Chu on the Internet:
Frank Chu Wikipedia page
Frank Chu Reddit AMA
h/t Muni rider Mike
Claiming coinage of this word!