Google Glass and Muni, together at last


It was bound to happen sooner or later. Buzz-item/fetish tech object Google Glass was just bound to be spotted on Muni one of these days. Here, then, is the first time we’re recording a sighting.

We hope he fared better than, well, you know who.

Via Muni rider Juan Karlos: “2/28/14: People wearing Google Glass on Muni Glasstrend is starting*”

*As always, your editor removed hashtags because he loves you.

Transit News: Singing Muni driver, shuttles, shuttles, moar shuttles

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

  • Muni driver adds a note of cheer to the 29-Sunset (SFGate)
  • Google’s Muni gift won’t stop appeal against S.F. commuter shuttle program (SF Examiner)
  • S.F. shuttles tread on Muni’s turf as pilot program aims to cut overlap (SF Examiner)
  • Dear Google: Here’s How to Make San Francisco Love You Again (SF Weekly)
  • SFMTA puts people of SF first (Ed Reiskin opinion on SF Examiner)
  • Regional transit agencies use Muni stops at no cost with no hassle (SF Examiner)

We ride Muni, and we are silly, silly people

Photo by phil dokas

Even those who take themselves seriously, amirite?

  • Just tried to tag my credit card instead of my Clipper card on #muni So yeah it’s Monday.
  • Definition Irony: Button on lapel of 20-ish rider “Open Books, Open Minds”…she’s reading on an eReader. #themoreyouknow
  • Man next to me on the 28 is singing a song that sounds like a hymn and includes the lyrics “goddamn the #muni”
  • I’m basically knee-to-knee with this guy. So, we are pretty much dating. #sfmuni
  • Should’ve thought twice about bringing a platter of cookies on the 43. #munidiaries

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow Muni riders @VA_Holliday, @pinkopaque22, @chrizanchez, @skimtheocean, and @jessicalegault. Share your slice of life on Muni at @munidiaries.

Google donates $6.8 million to Muni

Photo by cjmartin

Looking to stop San Franciscans’ stooping so low as to use Bing, Google announced Thursday that it is donating enough money to cover Muni’s free passes for youth program for the next two years. SFGate has the details:

The donation, the largest ever from a nongovernment entity to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, will fund an existing pilot program that allows low- and middle-income San Francisco kids ages 5 to 17 to ride Muni for free. It costs about $3 million a year. So far, more than 31,000 youths have registered and received passes.

It comes as tech companies are facing a backlash from city residents upset about rising housing costs, gentrification, a wave of evictions, and perceived aloofness from those companies and their employees.

LOL, that’s putting it mildly. Read the rest of the story at SFGate.

Unless you’ve been living under one of those rocks that don’t come with WiFi, you know that those large shuttle buses kickin’ it at Muni stops all over town have been, uh, stirring up quit a shitstorm. Will Google’s gift to San Francisco and Muni cause you to feel any differently?

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