Photo by Clem Albers/San Francisco Chronicle Nice shirts!
We’ve heard countless tales of folks attempting to ride all Muni routes in a single day. Some are successful; others, not so much.
As our buddy Peter Hartlaub reports over on his blog, The Big Event, San Francisco Giants President and CEO Larry Baer was once a wee lad. In August 1980, some 30 years before his baseball team won its first championship in San Francisco, Baer and a friend rode all 71 Muni lines in a single day. Take it away, Peter:
Some facts about Larry Baer’s Muni stunt, according to the Aug. 30, 1980, Chronicle article:
1. It took Baer and Coblentz eight hours just to plan a route to ride every Muni bus, rail and cable car line in one day. Muni gave the pair a free all-day pass.
2. The T-shirts cost $9 each, their total investment in the project.
3. Baer and Coblentz woke up at 4:45 a.m., and finished at 6 p.m., celebrating with a drink at the Bus Stop in the Marina. (Which is still a strong Giants bar almost 35 years later.)
T-shirts!!!! Iron-ons! The ’80s!!!!1!
Peter goes on to “ambush” Baer publicly, asking him, among other things, “Why haven’t you done a Muni Diaries Live yet?” Indeed, sir, why?
Read the rest of Peter’s rad post here. And if you work with Larry or with the Giants in general, please to inquire on our and Peter’s behalf. kthxbai