Audio: Ronn Vigh at Muni Diaries Live—’WTF, Gladys!?’

Photo by Kevin Wong

Like sliding doors and dominos and butterflies flapping their wings, you never know what’s going to happen when you miss your stop on Muni Metro. At Muni Diaries Live earlier this month, SF comedian Ronn Vigh had us in stitches with a tale of serendipity and being stuck underground, because Muni.

Ronn’s story didn’t quite fill his time slot, so we urged him to keep going. He did, and the crowd was thoroughly enthralled. Listen to his entire set here:

“Ronn Vigh at Muni Diaries Live, Nov. 8, 2014”

Ronn (and fellow MDL performer, Dhaya Lakshminarayanan) will appear at Harvey’s in the Castro tonight. Whether you missed them at Muni Diaries Live or not, go see them. Unless you, like, don’t like to laugh or something.

Transit News: Faster 28-19th Ave bus, subway progress, Van Ness BRT

Photo by Shawn Clover

  • SFMTA Looks to Boost Muni’s 28-19th Ave With Bus Bulbs, Fewer Stops (Streetsblog SF)
  • Central Subway Portal Structure Moves Forward (Central Subway Blog)
  • This Is Why NextMuni Predictions Are Always Screwing You Over (SF Weekly)
  • Credit Agencies Upgrade SFMTA Revenue Bonds to Highest in Nation for a Transit Agency (SFMTA)
  • Shelter squabble threatens Van Ness BRT (SFBay)

The kindness of strangers on Muni

Photo by duluoz cats

Kindness has this thing it does where you’re walking around all pissed-off, jaded, or both. Then it whacks you over the head and confuses the hell out of you.

And some of these even involve awesome Muni drivers!

  • “Would you like to sit here, young sir?” “No thank you, dear lady.” This is the most polite bus ever.
  • I’ve lived by these wise words from a muni driver told me ,” Do whatever makes you happy”
  • Unlike trains, I get a sense of community on buses. see the same people every day. Either that or the matrix is glitched.
  • my bus is playing jazz music through the intercom speakers. This is the best commute ever! #awesomemunidrivers

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by your fellow Muni riders @abroshar, @sfdylon, @DaneYoshida, and @hollandcd. You, too, can be featured here by tagging your tweets with @munidiaries.

Yet another Muni redesign


It turns out that, after arguing over parking spaces, how ugly condos are, and where you can get the best burrito, San Franciscans’ favorite thing to do is redesign what many of us hold ever so dear: The Muni Worm.

Harold sent us his design firm’s (Notorii) take. Man, if SFMTA could figure a way to GIF-ify* the Muni logo …

This version is much more true to the original than many renditions we’ve seen over the years. Notorii’s Fast Passes are enough to make me want to reward them with daily helicopter rides through the Golden Gate Bridge.


Check out the rest of their work on Muni’s logo over at Notorii’s website.

What do you guys think?

* Hard G, mother fucker!

This Thursday: SFTRU PUBlic Transit CRAWL: To L and Back


Remember how fun it is to drink? Now you can do so with fellow transit enthusiasts and celebrate last week’s defeat of a nasty, anti-public transit proposition.

The SF Transit Riders Union is hosting a “pub”lic transit crawl (get it? get it?). They’ve cleverly dubbed this one “To L and Back,” as it will take place at various points along the L-Taraval line.

Here’s the schedule:
6 p.m.: The Residence, 718 14th St at Market and Church (Near Church Station)
7 p.m.: Philosopher’s Club, 824 Ulloa St at West Portal (Near West Portal Station)
8 p.m.: Parkside Tavern, 1940 Taraval at 30th Ave
9 p.m.: Riptide, 3639 Taraval St at 47th ave
~10 p.m.: L Taraval into the night

And here’s the nifty pricing plan:
$40 = 1 year of Membership + 4 drink/raffle tickets
$30 = 4 drink/raffle tickets
$24 = 3 drink/raffle tickets
$18 = 2 drink/raffle tickets
$10 = 1 drink/raffle ticket
$ 0 = come along for the ride, all you need is your bus pass!

Read more about “To L and Back” at SFTRU’s website.

Transit News: Sunset Tunnel tracks, late-night BART, faster Muni, World Series Muni damage

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

  • Sunset Tunnel Track Work Began Last Friday (Hoodline)
  • Nick Josefowitz Unseats 24 Year Incumbent James Fang With Promises Of Late Night BART Trains (SF Appeal)
  • SFMTA Wants Stop Lights, Not Signs, To Keep Muni’s 5-Fulton Moving (Streetsblog SF)
  • SFMTA hit with $140,000 damage bill in World Series celebrations (SF Examiner)
  • Not Your Ordinary GPS—Tracking Your Ride (SFMTA’s Moving SF Blog)
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