It’s all about that Muni bass …
Furthering the “You guys think of everything” narrative, Muni rider Nate tweeted the above. “Badonkadonk #BootySF” indeed.
Wouldn’t a real Muni route that looked like this be so. much. fun?
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Furthering the “You guys think of everything” narrative, Muni rider Nate tweeted the above. “Badonkadonk #BootySF” indeed.
Wouldn’t a real Muni route that looked like this be so. much. fun?
Photo by Lynn Friedman
Remember #lifebeforethestorm? Yeah, I didn’t think you would. There was this thing called no rain. It was strange and wonderful. Somehow, we all survived it.
But enough reminiscing. Onward to the most remarkable Muni moments of the week!
This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow riders @jocelynslai, @bbunnykat, @theEddieH, @faern_me, and @pjrocks. Be like them: Follow @munidiaries on Twitter. You, too, could experience the glory.
Just yesterday I was asking people what their biggest pet peeve of other Muni riders was. Now, this.
As reported by Muni rider EC: “The patio table umbrella is closed now, but here is my proof.”
I just cannot.
They decorated the Muni booth at the Powell Station, y’all. Christmas is officially upon us!
Via Muni rider @mythopoeists “christmas at powell street station!”
Photo by Thomas Hawk
I hereby nominate this fella Muni Rider of the Year. Such poise! Many manners! And it would appear that he actually washes himself.
Via Muni rider Robin.