Utterly baffling behavior seen on Muni

Photo by Travis Wise

Earlier this week, we posted your top Muni rider pet peeves. That was, of course, merely a snapshot in time.

Without further ado, here are this week’s instances of disturbing and head-shaking behavior on Muni:

First, an oldie but annoying-ie
Dude has his phone on speaker, but still has his phone to his head. #Muni #L2cellphone — @DaneYoshida

Next, we move on to flat-out gross
dude blew his nose in his bare hands and proceeded to wipe them on his jacket sleeves #munidiaries — @LimLam8

Then onto these charming fellow riders
Homeboy: I have a cold, allergies, and I’m high as a kite on NyQuil, but I can STILL smell your cologne. #sfmuni — @MissNatMoore

And onto positively SMH behavior
Woman w/cane berates woman w/baby for sitting in handicap seat. On one hand ok but on the other really? #munidiaries — @ckueda

Lastly, the rainy day #dickmove, indeed
Your umbrella doesn’t need its own seat. #dickmove instagram.com/p/wzFSzWtp3Z/ — @spiegelmama

Things on Muni is a weekly compilation of our favorite tweets from you, the Muni rider. Add your voice to the choir at @MuniDiaries.

Cool transit-light installation for Market Street approved

The nonprofit who brought us Bay Lights, the neato fantastic LED lights on the Bay Bridge, has set its sights on Market Street, specifically the rail transit vehicles on and below the street.

Curbed SF has the deets:

LightRail, a 2.1-mile-long LED scultpure that would render the movements of underground trains in lights above Market Street, won approval from the Board of Supervisors [Tuesday] in a unanimous vote. Sponsored by Illuminate the Arts, the nonprofit behind the Bay Lights, the sculpture would string 124,000 LEDs above Market, in what the group is calling the world’s first subway-responsive light sculpture. Stretching all the way from the Embarcadero to Van Ness, the lights would reveal the trains’ movements in colored pulses of light, effectively letting everyone on Market peer below ground without ever going under.


Check out the Curbed SF post for more information.

Transit News: Transbay Transit Center, Muni advisory panel, Muni seat removal, Geary BRT

Photo by TJ Gehling

  • Transbay Transit Center grand vision includes thriving retail hub (SFGate)
  • Muni Wants You… for Online Advisory Panel (SF Weekly)
  • Man struck and killed by AC Transit bus in Alameda (SFGate)
  • Injury concern prompts Muni to remove over 1,400 seats (SF Examiner)
  • Supes app­rove purchase of 60-foot Muni buses (SF Bay)
  • Geary transit improv­ements set to arrive early (SF Bay)

Inflatable pool and palm on Muni ISO a beach


Looks like *checks weather page* it might actually *checks weather page* not rain today *checks weather page*. Yep. Maybe a sprinkle, but does that really count?

Perhaps that was what this Muni rider was thinking, or wishfully thinking, carrying her inflatable pool and inflatable palm tree to that manufactured beach in … Glen Park?

In any case, fellow rider Anthony reports: “Inflatable palm tree on the OB J- Church? Where the hell is she going to? A pool party? Idk?”

The top Muni rider pet peeves of right now

Photo by David Lytle

We live to complain. If it’s not this one day, it’s that the next. And boy hidee, does Muni give us a lot to bitch about, especially when it comes to our beloved fellow passengers.

We checked in with you guys recently to find out your top OMG UR DOIN IT RONG moments on Muni. Here’s what you had to say (in no specific order):

  • Entitlement. — @anzermo
  • Backpacks. — @dgm415
  • Their reasonably sized items in an adjacent seat instead of on their laps or between their legs on the floor. #petpeeve — @cbcastro
  • Erm, the part where they say/do inane stuff, especially with respect to my guide dog or disability! — @missknoxy
  • Clipping nails. People not moving to the back of bus. Trying to get off the bus when a rush of people are trying to get on. — @the_whitney
  • among them, people playing their overly loud music on the bus WITHOUT headphones. NO. — @mythopoeists
  • Neglecting to give up the front seating, as needed! — @CascosPeterson
  • Talking on the phone, on speaker! Taking your seat when you were obviously there first, and, big backpacks on a crowded muni — @Zurib19
  • uncleanliness in all its myriad forms. The average NYC subway is far cleaner than the average MUNI vehicle. — @catsynth
  • Omfg don’t get me started. By the end of every day there’s a new list. — @feathersflorals
  • When people don’t let you try to get further back so you end up standing backwards at the front. #38geary — @OuterRichmondXX
  • leaning over onto me to see what I’m doing on my phone. Personal space, people. — @KelseHunt
  • the manspread — @abjornsen
  • where do i start?clipping nails?not using headphones? not knowing to step down to exit? talking loudly on the phone? littering? — @eyeveins
  • they don’t understand *public* transportation #notoenailclipping — @henare

These really run the gamut. Add yours here, or follow Muni Diaries on Twitter and sound off there!

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