THEE (new) SF Panda catches some Zs at Muni stop


If you haven’t already, stop everything you’re doing. Nothing could possibly be more important than this sleeping panda at the Muni stop. *LOL his bus just never arrived LOL*

I hereby nominate this panda to be the new San Francisco Panda, now that that “other guy” bailed down (boo!!!!)

h/t Muni rider Dan: “Out of luck panda sleeping at bus stop. In need of a hug… #savethepandas”

Transit News: More bikes on Caltrain, more Muni LRVs, a second Transbay Tube

Photo by Shawn Clover

  • Coming to Caltrain: Longer Trains With More Room for Bikes (Streetsblog SF)
  • Mayor Lee Announces Expansion Of New Muni Light-Rail Fleet (SF Appeal)
  • Man stabbed on Muni bus near West Portal Station (ABC 7)
  • State urged to decriminalize youth fare evaders (SF Bay)
  • Muni considers free rides for seniors, disabled (SF Bay)
  • Mayor Lee gets on board with proposal for 2nd BART tube (SFGate)

Are anti-Islam ads on Muni just asking for it?


Several of you have pointed us to the latest in a series of controversial ads on Muni. This one seems to jump the provocation shark, as it were. They feature Hitler (literally Hitler!) talking with, well, does it really even matter who Hitler is talking with? Aren’t all people who talked with Hitler auto-evil?

KTVU has the story:

40 Muni buses and light rail vehicles began carrying a stark, black-and-white advertisement this past weekend that equates Islam with Nazism and featuring images of Palestinian Muslim leader Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler.

In all caps, the ad blares, “Islamic Jew-Hatred: It’s in the Quran.”

A New York-based blogger paid for the ads in the wake of recent terrorism in Paris.

“People need to understand that this hatred is a religious imperative,” said American Freedom Defense Initiative President Pamela Geller. “We feel that this message is critical in light of what happened in Paris, the slaughter of four Jewish people at a kosher supermarket because they were Jewish.”

So, yeah. Where do you stand on these “ads”? I mean, as ads, what exactly are they trying to sell?

Photo by KTVU

Muni in 2015: Same as it ever was


What did you expect, that a new year would somehow change the very essence of what it means to ride Muni? Yer too cute.

  • Watching Botox face rub smelly lotion over the hands of her lover, is this actually happenin?! #44
  • lady version of leg spreaders: women who insist on crossing legs on a crowded bus, and KEEP KICKING MY LEG. #SFMuni
  • My child just licked the handrail on the 30. He had a good run. #MuniDiaries #Muni
  • Lose-Lose: Being the person furiously scratching your head & ears on Muni or not-at-all-subtly leaning away from said person.
  • Sitting between a guy in a skull mask and a guy rolling a joint #onlyonmuni

2015’s first Things on Muni is brought to you by your partners in Muni crime @efwjames, @ImekaSF, @abjornsen, @lkroner, and @emflannery1. Follow Muni Diaries on Twitter for a chance at the gold.

Photo by Lynn Friedman.

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