You’re in for a treat this Saturday, as SF’s own Mesquite and Mustard joins the lineup at Muni Diaries Live to sing about, in their own words, “trains and whiskey.” We’re on board. See what I did there?
On the following weekend, the trio will be providing musical accompaniment for Market Street Railway’s first-ever Night Train, a chartered party on wheels aboard one of the historic streetcars that MSR acquires, restores, and maintains. From the press release:
Come ride Muni’s first streetcar, car 1, along the historic F-line from the Castro to Fisherman’s Wharf and back all lit up. While riding, you’ll be able to enjoy drinks that will be available (your first is free) as well as the sounds of a live performance by the local band Mesquite and Mustard. The excursion is on Sunday, April 26, 7-9pm.
Car 1 had its inaugural run out Geary Street on December 28, 1912, piloted by then Mayor James Rolph, Jr. It ran for 39 years until 1951 when it was retired from service. In 1962, it was restored to its original condition to serve as the centerpiece of Muni’s 50th anniversary. Car 1 was used during the summer trolley festivals during the 1980s and became part of the new F-Market line fleet in 1995. In 2009-2010, it was completely restored and returned to regular service on October 6, 2012, almost a century after it was originally built.
Seating is limited to 42 passengers, so sign up today.
For more information on what promises to be a thrilling and very San Francisco evening, go to Market Street Railway.