Transit News: BART ridership, BART deaths, Muni guards, Muni challenge, Super Bowl party

This Bay Area transit news roundup features a challenge and an acceptance of that challenge. It’s like the Wild West in here. Read on, and if you have any transit news tips, let us know.

  • BART can’t keep pace with rising ‘crush loads’ (SFGate)
  • BART operator tried desperately to stop train before two deaths (SFGate)
  • Supes let Muni guards keep guns (SFGate)
  • SFTRU challenges S.F. officials to ride Muni for 22 days (SF Chronicle)
  • Politicians accept challenge to ride Muni for 22 days (SFBay)
  • Super Bowl party will kick out F-Market streetcars (SFMSR)

I can’t believe it’s not Fabio on Muni


I wonder who the No. 1 most commonly mistaken celebrity in the world is. Just yesterday at lunch, I was positive that The Jinx‘s Robert Durst was a few seats down from me at the bar. No, it wasn’t him. And yes, I finished my lunch.

Muni rider and friend of Muni Diaries Stephanie sent us the photo above. Methinks this is actually Fabio himself, not a doppelganger. And I am right about this.

Previously on Muni Diaries:
Bieber doppelganger spotted on Muni
Heisenberg Is Everywhere
Bill Hicks lookalike passes out on Muni holding a can of Four Loko

What Muni and BART drivers really wanna say

Ever wonder what’s going on in the minds of the men and women at the controls of our public transit on a daily basis? Well, wonder no more.

The Atlantic’s Citylab brings us Above Average’s look behind the curtains, as it were. Pay extra special attention around 1:06.

Surely, one of the other cities they’re talking about cannot possibly be San Francisco? Okay, okay. And sorry that I called you Shirley.

Speaking of transit operators, don’t miss the very first Muni driver we’ve ever had on stage, Driver Doug, at Muni Diaries Live this Saturday at the Elbo Room. Getcher tickets here today!

h/t Sara

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