The Sounds of Muni


Nope, not talking about the sounds that the buses make. This is more a symphony that we bring to our commutes. Using headphones to drown out what’s happening right in front of us. Having someone bust into song spontaneously. The good, the bad. You know the drill.

  • Guy on bus says to girl next to me: “let’s pretend I was your next boyfriend.” Headphone volume: up 5 notches.
  • Got on #SFMuni, accidentally made eye contact with old man. He started singing Wizard of Oz at me.
  • While #SFMuni installs a new bus shelter in #NoeValley, I’m blasting out The Rolling Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” to get in the mood
  • ppl the J is not ur personal office where u can take speakerphone calls during ur ride to work!

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by fellow riders @mariazilberman, @mamcart, @karlsf, and @SuperDee75. Be like these folks. Follow Muni Diaries on Twitter and let us know what’s happening in your corner of the transit world.

Photo by Jim Maurer

Check out this visionary Muni Metro map


File under: We Can Dream, Can’t We?

Not content with SF’s status as woefully lacking when it comes to underground transit, Elliott Spelman took to whatever fancy computer program people use nowadays and made a Muni Metro map that dreams are made of. Look at that coverage! Check out them color-coded lines! Start fantasizing about days spent roaming the 49-square-mile landscape with ease!

And yeah, there’s a lot of acreage that would still be under-served in Elliott’s world. That’s okay. This is a great first draft.

How would you modify or add to this fantasy Muni map?

Other Bay Area alternative-universe transit maps include the Thrillist map of bars near Muni Metro stopsThe Muni Metro Map: Caffeinated, and Mario BART Map.

h/t Radio Alice

Oh, the things people do and say on Muni


My favorite way to talk about odd shit that happens on Muni is to pass it off as though it were totally normal. Apparently, I am not alone in this:

  • This man gives zero fux. Farts, keeps his leg up🙊 I’m trapped in a corner w terrible ventilation
  • That moment when you’re hungry, and someone gets on the bus w/ 🍕. Can I have a slice or two?
  • That moment the dude next to you is in the process of breaking up with his g/f on the phone. #munidiaries
  • I love when people talk about their jail time and legal strategies on #SFMuni.

This week’s Things on Muni is brought to you by your fellow Muni riders @iemSandy, @ldeap3, @DaneYoshida, and @JeanPodrasky. Contribute your verse by following Muni Diaries on Twitter.

Photo by Lynn Friedman

Muni News: Double berthing troubles, 33 bus petition and survey, arrest in attack on Muni driver, Church St. transit lane

You wanted Muni news, you got Muni news. Here’s the latest …

  • Muni Cites Computer Glitch For Ending Metro Train ‘Double Stopping’ After Only 2 Days (CBS Bay Area)
  • SF Hospital Bus Cut Spurs Petition, New Surveys (Muniverse)
  • Suspect arrested in assault on Muni driver in Mid-Market area (SF Examiner)
  • Appeals court ruling to boost cost to S.F. of Central Subway land (SFGate)
  • SFMTA Deems Church Street Transit Lane A Success (Hoodline)
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