Weekend Photo Diary: We Hope It Lifts

M Navigating the Fog

We chose the photo above to play us out into the weekend based largely on this second-in-a-row lame weekend-weather forecast for San Francisco. Your Muni Diaries editors will be out of the shittiness tomorrow, locked away in an effort to improve the site even further (as if) at WordPress’s WordCamp San Francisco. Don’t worry, we’ll pass on what we have learned.

We wish you and your loved ones a great time this weekend despite the gloominess outside.


Muni Diaries

Photo by aarontait from the Muni Photos Flickr pool.

Two-Seat-Takin’, Big-Balls-Havin’ Guy, in Photos

Since time immemorial, we’ve known about his type. Recently, Muni Mind Reader Tiffany Maleshefski paid tribute to him — he who takes up more than one seat on Muni solely by virtue of being well-endowed in the genital region (we suspect, rather flatteringly).

Well, Tiffany did us all the favor of capturing some images of this unfortunately not-so-rare species. For your enjoyment, watch as this man’s leg migrates ever closer to Tiffany’s lap. A note from Tiffany: “My leg is the brown trouser pant. You’ll note we are not dating and don’t know each other at all. Yet he is perfectly comfortable having his legs in my personal space.”

More photos of this progression below the fold …


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Weekend Photo Diary: Going Somewhere?

Girl With Makeup

Well, finally! God is starting to behave like he should, damning this sleepy, quiet coastal town with a weekend of more or less shitty weather. Oh, well. Most of us would trade righteousness and cherubs for the debauchery-laden burg we call home. Right?

Speaking of debauchery, this weekend, among other goings-on, is Carnaval in the Mission. If you’re planning on Muni-ing anywhere near that neighborhood either Saturday or Sunday, do yourself a favor and peep this MTA Carnaval route schedule. Oh, and have a great weekend!

xoxo, Muni Diaries

Photo by sflovestory from Muni Photos Flickr Group pool.

What? Muni Diaries Editor Named Broke-Ass of the Week?


Hells yeah! And guess what? I’m still broke! But please, don’t take that as a solicitation of money (or underpants). Just keep reading and contributing to this site, and you’ll make this broke-ass’s life that much more enriched.

Big thanks to Stuart for featuring my broke-ass, and showing all sorts of kindness toward the not-so-well-off.

Broke-Ass of the Week — Jeff Hunt from Muni Diaries

This time around our Broke-Ass of the Week is Jeff Hunt from Muni Diaries. When I asked him what he wanted people to know about his site, he had this to say:

We want Muni Diaries to be the place people go to tell and read stories of the crazy and sometimes-poignant shit that happens on Muni and BART. We’ve all got stories and we’ve all heard friends and coworkers spin yarns of their own. Muni is too much a part of life in SF not to be a treasure trove of great stories. Stranger than fiction, often.

Read the rest of the story here.

Woman Abused by Teen on the J

Note: See our update from an alleged witness who told SFist that the teen was provoked. Thank you, SFist, for spreading the word and reporting this story.

This shocking letter from the Noe Valley Voice (via reader Randy) had us thinking, “Has it really come to this?” The Muni incident began when a 60-year-old woman asked a teenage girl not to take up three seats on a packed J-Church train headed toward Mission High School. When the teenager refused after being asked repeatedly, things turned ugly. The woman recounts the incident to the Voice:

I very politely asked her if she would move her bag so two people could sit down. She said, “No.” I asked her again and she told me, “F- -k off.” I asked her a third time and told her that I would remove her bag if she didn’t do it herself. I reminded her that this was public transportation and that everyone on the streetcar had paid the same fare to enter and that she didn’t have the right to take three seats. I reminded her that these seats were reserved for seniors and people with disabilities. She told me to “f- -k off” again. I reached down to move her bag and when I did so, she stood up and very forcefully slapped me in the face, knocking off my glasses. I’m 60 years old and the surprise and force of her slap knocked me down. She then proceeded to curse at me, calling me a “f- -king bitch” and several other things.

As if that weren’t enough, the abuse allegedly continued until the teenager got off the streetcar at Church and 18th Street. You can read the rest of the incident in her letter here in Voice‘s May Letters to the Editor (scroll down to “Incident on Muni”).

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Weekend Photo Diary: The lights, how they shine

F Market & Wharves

It’s supposed to be another beautiful weekend, weather-wise. Makes you wonder why god keeps smiting this town he’s so clearly forsaken. I mean, seriously, is nice weather the modern-day equivalent of blood and guts and curses on your house? Why do we Sin Fransickens keep getting blessed with it?

Also, keep in mind that Bay to Breakers is happening Sunday, although if you’re anything like us, you won’t be attending thanks to all the wonderful new rules ING has imposed on the event in their attempt to strip it of any and all fun. Here’s a list of Muni’s planned service changes for the day of the event.

And as always, enjoy yourselves and we’ll see you Monday.

xoxo Muni Diaries

Photo by -nanio- from the Muni Photos Flickr pool

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