NYC Shuts Down Muni T-Shirt Maker in a Major WTF
Photo by Flickr user joe.moore
You might’ve noticed a nice little Muni merchandise post Eugenia did for us the other day. I liked it. I like seeing creative people do their creative stuff and possibly make a little bit of moolah off it. I also like poking fun at things like struggling public transportation agencies. Sometimes, the two go well together.
Like in the case of the 40withegg blogger. This guy made a set of shirts with the letter logos of Muni’s Metro trains, substituting words like “Judah” or “Church” with words that match the route’s letter, like “T-ardy,” and mocked Muni. (see image, above.) Good, clean fun, right?
Not according to CafePress, where 40withegg meant to sell some shirts. Before he closed a single deal, CafePress took his wares down, citing a cease-and-desist letter it received from … New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Agency.
New York City? WTF, indeed! Is this a case of transcontinental, inter-agency FAIL?
In case you were curious, here is what the New York subway route bullets look like:
Our Muni route bullets look like this:
Again, WTF?
Thx: Plug1 for story tip