Archival SF films show old streetcars, cable cars

By now, you might’ve seen a video floating around the intertubes called, to varying discrepancies, “A trip down Market Street.” If not, go watch it. If our guess is correct, and you have this soft spot for San Francisco in the middle of all your frustrations and angst, you’ll love this footage of our city in its simpler, yet equally fascinating days. It shows the view from a streetcar traveling east toward the Ferry Building, on a Market Street free of cars (easier to do in those days), with pedestrians and horses and buggies crossing the tracks ever so lawlessly.

Owing to the popularity of that video, we came across the above program, sponsored by The Long Now Foundation. The very long program is broken up into easy-to-digest chapters. The un-embeddable chapters we want to call your attention to are: Fillmore Hill Cable Car (lots of great footage of Fillmore and other old cable car lines) and South of Market (which includes archival footage of the Transbay Terminal around 1941). There might be other transit-related bits, but frankly, we haven’t had enough time to watch it all. Here’s a link to the entire program, but you can watch it by the chapter.

The man responsible for the footage, Rick Prelinger, will be presenting more archival video of San Francisco on December 4 at the Herbst Theater.

The clippers on the bus go ‘snip, snip, snip’

nail clipper

Matt Baume sends the above photo (we edited it slightly to protect the guilty), along with these words:

Thought this might make good fodder for a post. Maybe you’d want to mask his face before posting? Personally I’d leave it as is. Anyway, we can all agree: this person is gross.

Yes, we can agree with Matt here. But I’m sure nail-clipping on Muni has its ardent defenders. As always, we’d love to hear from all sides. But remember: Play nicely.

Everybody! Muni party!

San Francisco, October 1991
Photo by Flickr user Moncrief Speaks

We caught wind of this Thursday’s Muni party aboard the M, and are sad to say we’re all booked up and can’t make it. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. Here’s the deets:

Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009
Time: 7:15pm – 9:00pm
Location: 19th & Holloway Muni Stop (M-Line)

Here’s what the organizers have to say:

This is not your regular post work commute. Dress to impress with your Thursday night’s best and let Muni be the party, instead of just letting it take you to one.

Let Muni be the jumping off point for your night. Club/Bar/Lounge Atmosphere+Public Transit = Evening of Epic Proportions

Dress Code: Fancy (nothing but the best for public transit)

Cover: $2, or free with purchase of Fast Pass

No difficult door policy. No fancy expensive drinks with pretentious names (although those are sometimes nice). Bring all your friends. We’ll bring ours. There’s no reason not to be there.

PLUS: Muni Party Official After Party will be held at Otis Lounge featuring our special guest DJ ELiKi spinning the hottest electro.

Otis lounge is located at 25 Maiden Ln. (right off of the Montgomery Station Downtown). This party is brought to you by John & Brianna, CW Lifestyle, and DJ ELiKi. It’s free, it’s fun, so don’t miss out.


If you go, be sure to report back here with stories and photos!

Photo diary: Palm pilot


A tweet from @toddster last night included the above photo and alluded to the following:

Still on BART. This dude stared at his right hand for a good six minutes straight.

All right, folks, let’s hear it: What was the guy looking at/pondering/worrying over? And before you go too far, there’s no hair on that palm (but if you want to Photoshop some in, by all means. And then send that to us, eh?).

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