Photo by Flickr user messtiza
Update (10:10 a.m., Saturday): Here are some roundups of yesterday’s MTA board meeting and subsequent vote on 10 percent service reductions (passed) and fare hikes for seniors, youth, and the disabled (failed):
And a related story from StreetsblogSF: Are More Service Cuts the Last Straw For a Public Fed Up With Muni?
Update (4:50 p.m.): SFMTA’s recap of the day’s meeting. Among other things, 10 percent service reductions, layoffs of more than 175 Muni operators slated for May 1. See service changes here.
Update (4:08 p.m.): @sfmta_muni announces that the board, by a 4-3 vote, elected to enact the proposed 10 percent service reduction. Also announced: 6-1 vote killing Fast Pass hike to $30 for seniors, youth, and disabled (but a gentle reminder that those passes were already slated to jump from $15 to $20 a month this May), and that $70 Fast Passes will be required for adults to ride Cable Cars and express buses. We’ll get news reports about today’s voting up just as soon as we see them.
Update (11:20 a.m.): Streetsblog has a neat live blogging software up on their site right now so you can weigh in on the conversation.
KCBS reports on the overflow crowd.
A sampling of what we’ve heard so far in the public comment section:
Irwin Lum of Transport Workers Union says operators are unfairly targeted and encouraged applauses for overpaid MTA execs (though the union voted down the concession proposal); MTA operators saying that their salaries are splashed all over the papers; disabled, unemployed, senior riders came up to the mike to oppose the fare hikes and service cuts; a fourth grade teacher speaking on behalf of her low-income students; Eric of Transbay Blog calling for another look at the charter; and a call for extended parking meter hours.
Update (9:18 a.m.): Follow @rescuemuni and @streetsblogSF on Twitter for updates from the meeting. Or check our latest tweets to the right over there (@munidiaries). We’ll do our best to keep up with what should be a mad stream of information coming from City Hall as we watch the meeting streamed live on SFGovTV 1 (or cable channel 26).
Original post: It seems true what Michael at StreetsblogSF said: “Friday could be a dark day for San Francisco’s public transit system.” The implication, of course, being: a dark day for those who ride Muni.
Ahead of today’s SFMTA board meeting at 9 a.m., check out the excellent coverage from our transit news sources. Maybe these stories will help contextualize the matter coming to a head today. In any case, we’ll be updating this post as we watch the meeting and follow the news coverage on the outcome of the board’s vote on Muni service reductions (see details of proposed cuts to: weekday service; Saturday service; and Sunday service).
Prepare yourself for today’s meeting by checking out these stories from StreetsblogSF:
Oh, and for the record, Muni Diaries hopes some sort of compromise can be reached, and that cuts can be taken off the table.