Before we get started, yes, yet another massive meltdown is in progress today. Some sort of total breakdown of communications and wiring (and blood and guts and fecal matter) happened in the underground tunnel somewhere. Outbound N-Judah and J-Church trains were turned back inbound at Church and Duboce. I bet a lot of people are very, very happy about that.
But not all Muni goings-on this week were disastrous and FAIL-infused. Streetsblog SF filled us in on last weekend’s Save Muni summit, and commented on the challenges of organizing Muni riders. This while MTA began another outreach attempt, to notify the public of more budget-balancing decisions facing the agency for the next two fiscal years (you know, because it was such a joy settling this year’s books). One town hall took place on Wednesday, and there’s another one tomorrow at 10 a.m. at MTA headquarters, 1 South Van Ness.
We learned this week that an attempt to have voters approve of removing a wage-floor for Muni operators is moving forward (SFGate), sponsored by Supervisor Sean Elsbernd (we hope it’s just a coincidence that Elsbernd’s parents’ house caught on fire [Examiner] this week also).
Later in the week, we learned (via SF Appeal) that MTA head Nat Ford is defying Mayor (still?) Newsom and putting Sunday parking meters back on the bargaining table as a means for the agency to generate revenue. We’ll just have to see how that one turns out. And Streetsblog SF asked whether transit cuts and fare hikes are causing more and more San Franciscans to ride their bike instead. We’re all for it, but Muni still needs lots of fixing.
The Examiner also reports that Muni’s on-time rate fell for a second-straight quarter, to 72.3. Almost three out of every four buses and LRVs is on-time? That many, eh?
Finally, and perhaps tragically (but definitely puzzling), ABC 7 reported Thursday that Muni is investigating reports that a middle school student fell out of a moving bus. Ouch. Hope the kid’s okay.
We leave you with more beautiful images of times when Muni did work, taken by one of our favorite Flickr photogs, angryf. Have a great weekend!

All photos by angryf