Photo Diary: Muni, in Color and B&W
New to the Muni Photos Flickr group, Jaymi Heimbuch is really good with color, don’tcha think?
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
New to the Muni Photos Flickr group, Jaymi Heimbuch is really good with color, don’tcha think?
Mr. Eric Sir, at it again … He made this video (how else?) on his iPhone. And I’m drooling.
No one riding Muni ever looks happy. Public transit clearly suuuucks.
While I disagree with the sentiment, I had nothing to back me up. No proof. Until …
The photo above, by jennifer7people, showed up on our Muni Photos Flickr group pool a few minutes later.
When I got married a few months ago, hella people asked me if we would take photos on Muni. I was all, “No way! We don’t wanna get that dirty!” This brave couple couldn’t care less, obviously. Bravo! And congrats to you two.
This is neither here nor there, but that guy on the far left looks like Steve Carell, eh?
Photo by carwashguy_99
I rode a tram in Rome last month, and it wasn’t tiny and rickety like the Italians ones in our fleet. True, I was in Rome, not Milan. And it’s 2010 now. But still …
Photo by Tenderloin Geographic Society.
Case in point: The Tenderbloggers turned us on to Tenderloin Geographic Society, specifically two Muni-related posts there.
The first, above, is adorned with the following:
I understand that in some schools, children are made to race in competitions where, regardless of their placement, all receive medals. Who could imagine that the practice continued well beyond the 4th grade?
The second one, well, it’s too good not to force ask you to click on and go read on TGS’s site. So go. But come back? We’ll miss you.
Also, here’s a fun game: Tell us whom you think should receive that trophy up there. Any and all candidates are eligible.
Photo by arlen
On Tuesday at about 5 p.m. my 19-month old daughter and I boarded the 21-Hayes inbound for our trip home from daycare. We took seats up front in the handicapped section; the bus was fairly empty so I let my daughter have her own seat rather than keeping her on my lap. Sitting directly across from us was a surly, obviously drunk man. He was issuing a stream of salacious comments in the direction of woman who had taken a nearby seat, to the tune of, “You’re a fuckin’ skinny bitch but you have a big BUTT!” After a few minutes of that she replied, “Asshole!” and moved to the back of the bus.
Now my daughter and I were the closest targets. He looked straight at my daughter and said, “Well you’re a pretty little baby! You look just like my…GRANDDAUGHTER! Want to see a picture?!” He pulled out a cell phone, poked some buttons, then leaned across the aisle to show us a photo of a baby girl (cute, actually).
At that moment the bus was headed up the steep bit of Hayes near Alamo Square. The drunk man lost his balance and rolled about 6 feet down the aisle toward the back of the bus. He landed pretty hard on a row of seats and shouted, “OWWW! I broke a rib!”
The bus came to a halt in the middle of the street, passengers started screaming, some people got up to help the guy – pandemonium. The doors were open so I decided it would be a good time to exit. My daughter, who is just learning to talk, told me, “Ride bus. Man fall down. He owwie.”
Be like June, and share your Muni stories here on Muni Diaries.