Waiting for Muni, playing bus stop videogames

The other day, Tara and I stopped in to test one of the Yahoo Bus Derby touchscreen videogames we reported here last week. We just really want an OK Go show in the Mission, okay?

Well, I won’t give away the ending of the video above. But I will say that my neighborhood is better than yours. Oh, hell yeah! (By the way, I think the last game I played before this was Space Invaders, but I can’t be sure …)

Have you played yet? Here’s a list of all the locations. Send us video or stories of your experiences, and let us know which hood you’re playing for.


The Holidays Are Here for SF Streetcars


The good folks at Market Street Railway graciously invited us to attend the annual streetcar holiday decoration (2009’s decorated streetcars are here). MSR volunteers were at the Geneva Yard this morning with boxes full of garland, wreaths, bows, colored balls, and more. Cars 952 (New Orleans) and 1818 (Milan) were decked out, and are now ready for the month ahead. To MSR on behalf of Muni Diaries, thanks for waiting until after Thanksgiving!

(Market Street Railway Blog’s post is up now, with some even better photos, I must say)

Chronologically …



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Muni bus shelter videogames

Roshan alerted us to this post on Funcheap SF about a Yahoo-sponsored “bus stop derby.” Here’s Johnny FC’s details:

Resembling giant iPhones (but 20x the size), these 72″ touch screens have been installed at bus stops in 20 different neighborhoods so that bored commuters waiting [for] the bus can play games and earn points for their neighborhood. Users choose a neighborhood to represent and play one of four short video games either solo or live head-to-head against other bus shelters.

And the best part?

At the end of the two-month derby (which ends January 28, 2011) the neighborhood with the most points earns a free concert with OK Go at a local [sic] avenue.

For more details and an active scoreboard, check out Yahoo’s Bus Stop Derby page. They’ve also got a map of participating bus stop shelters.

We expect nothing short of a flurry of reports on your game-playing prowess. We also welcome your comments of power outages, delays, urination, and other Muni-rific goings on in and around the games.

Play hard!

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