Roshan alerted us to this post on Funcheap SF about a Yahoo-sponsored “bus stop derby.” Here’s Johnny FC’s details:
Resembling giant iPhones (but 20x the size), these 72″ touch screens have been installed at bus stops in 20 different neighborhoods so that bored commuters waiting [for] the bus can play games and earn points for their neighborhood. Users choose a neighborhood to represent and play one of four short video games either solo or live head-to-head against other bus shelters.
And the best part?
At the end of the two-month derby (which ends January 28, 2011) the neighborhood with the most points earns a free concert with OK Go at a local [sic] avenue.
For more details and an active scoreboard, check out Yahoo’s Bus Stop Derby page. They’ve also got a map of participating bus stop shelters.
We expect nothing short of a flurry of reports on your game-playing prowess. We also welcome your comments of power outages, delays, urination, and other Muni-rific goings on in and around the games.
Play hard!