Author: jeff
Muni News: Caltrain budget, costly cameras on Muni drivers, free Muni for kids
Photo by Brian Brooks
- Caltrain officials adopt tentative 2013 budget (Silicon Valley Business Journal)
- Free Muni for youths a step closer (SFGate)
- CPUC Requires BART, Muni To Install Cameras To Catch Drivers Using Cell Phones (BCN via SF Appeal)
- Operator surveillance ordered by state will cost BART, Muni big (SF Examiner)
- Mayoral candidate Bevan Dufty wants life coaches for Muni drivers (City Insider)
- Muni and poor streets among complaints in new San Francisco survey (SF Examiner)
Oh, the places you’ll go on the 22-Fillmore
Photo by Ian Fuller
Sadly, we just didn’t have enough time at our Muni Diaries Live reunion/open-mic show to have everyone who signed up to share their slice of Muni life onstage. So, we reached out to those individuals to tell their stories here on the website. Enjoy Ellie’s roller coaster chariot of a 22-Fillmore story.
I had just moved to the city and a friend told me that if the opportunity arouse, I needed to go see a movie at the Kabuki. When she told me this, I had a sudden feeling of nostalgia. So that night, I stuffed a king-sized Kit-Kat in my bag and headed for the corner of Mission and 16th.
After seeing a slew of 14, 49, and 33’s slither by, I decided that it must have been during a stay in San Francisco that the band Whitesnake coined its name. My thought was stopped short by a woman with red-stained jeans, hunched over, and mumbling, “I got my period…I got my period…,” while walking back and forth in front of me.
“Umm…I — I — I’m sorry,” I muttered.
An Imagined Route for the ‘G-Geary’ Metro Line
New month, Fast Pass, dead Clipper card
Photo by Sam Churchill
Help! I’m having a hellvua time with my clipper card. I bought the October fast pass over the weekend, online, and the next time I tried to tag my card I discovered it was dead. De-magged, probably even though that’s not supposed to happen. Yeah right. Anyway, since I couldn’t tag it, the Oct fast pass never showed up on my clipper card. I went to clipper service in the Embarcadero station (pain in the ass), and the very nice man gave me a new card, but couldn’t transfer the pass since it hadn’t yet showed up on my original card.
You see where this is going. Is the pass ever going to show up on my card, or am I screwed? I’ve been carrying around the receipt, but it’s such a hassle to convince the operators to let me board…even though at the same time ten people are getting in the back door without paying.
What to do? Have you ever encountered this problem?
Well? Bueller? Bueller?
Muni News: Late-night BART, sex workers on Muni, upcoming holiday info
Photo by mike dillon
- Muni maintenance yard not operating at full capacity (SF Examiner)
- BART to solicit passenger input this weekend on late-night service proposal (
- BART May Have Figured Out Late-Night Friday Service (SFist)
- Sex Worker Advocates Launch First Media Campaign — on Muni (SF Weekly)
- Everybody wants to chime in about the Central Subway (City Insider)
- BART parking refunds due to some customers (SFGate)
- Muni on weekday schedule on Mon. for the Columbus Day holiday (SFMTA)