Update (9:05 p.m.): Mike updated Flickr with a better photo of the situation at Market/Clayton. He says:
The foreground bus seems to have gotten stuck when the driver took the turn way too tight, as evidenced by the fact that thing isn’t anywhere near the line it normally takes (painted on the ground). It was so far off, he couldn’t get it attached to the cables and had to just park it while he waited for help.
It sat there for a bit over half an hour, snarling traffic in both directions of Market and up Clayton. Eventually some help arrived and they managed to connect it back into the grid long enough to get it out of the intersection. Amazingly, through all of that time, most people still sat and patiently waited on the bus.
Thanks, Mike!
Original post:

Mike Dillon suggests, “Betcha you’ve never seen two 33s take this turn at the same time before…” You’re right, Mike. To which I’d add, “Dayum!”