Worlds Collide on BART

Photo by rosebennet

We’ve all been on BART at Civic Center when the train is suddenly overcome with hordes of pushing, squiggling symphony-, ballet-, and opera-goers. Hell, many of us have been the ones dressed to the nines, squeezing our way into crowded BART cars.

Alan over at SF Weekly was on such a BART ride recently, and retells the following story of mounting tension:

Ranters: Retiree clutching a theater program and wearing a denim dress; her gentleman companion; a guy sitting nearby reading Mother Jones.

Location: BART train leaving Civic Center Station

The Rant:
[Denim-Dress Woman and her gentleman companion press into a train that’s busier than you would expect at this hour. They look for a place to sit but find nothing.]

Denim-Dress Woman: Not even one person offers a seat. That’s the modern world, I guess.

Gentleman Companion: What about that one?

[He points to the rear of the train, where a young man is sprawled out across two seats.]

Denim-Dress Woman: [Whispering] Isn’t it awful?

Gentleman Companion: [Also whispering] If he’s okay, it’s awful.

Denim-Dress Woman: He is okay, right?

Gentleman Companion: If he is, he should scoot over.

Denim-Dress Woman: He’s fine. Some of them just do that, that’s all. It shows the world they’re important. [The doors open. More people pack in.] Someone really should offer a seat, though.

Yeah, us too. Click over to SF Weekly to read the conclusion to this gripping story.

Art Diary: Memories of the 15

Octoferret posted this to our Flickr group and also to a group called “Guess Where SF.” Gohead: Guess.

Of the image, he says, “Except I don’t remember the destination sign ever saying “FiSHERMAN WARF.” Neither do we, Octoferret.

Also, “Fisherman Warf” LOL.

A few more examples of Muni in public art: the 52-Excelsior; a Muni bus in Clarion Alley; and a Sirron Norris gray Muni bus

Got more examples? Let us know!

Muni News: Subway to displace homes, BRT in East Bay in 2016, transit bill in Congress

Photo by Mike Dillon

  • Central Subway housing reconstruction moves forward (SF Examiner)
  • BART extension to San Jose getting $250 million in federal funds — more than expected (SJ Mercury News)
  • BART Police unveils new zone geographical policing structure (
  • Bay Area’s First BRT System Coming to the East Bay By 2016 (Streetsblog SF)
  • President Obama’s budget recommends $150 million for Central Subway (Central Subway Blog)
  • Oakland Once Again Contemplating Broadway Streetcar Line (SFist)
  • Local transportation officials fearful of proposed House transportation bill (SF Examiner)
  • House Transportation Bill: What’s at Stake for the Bay Area (Streetsblog SF)
  • Gang Member Convicted Of Participation In BART Station Murder Sentenced To Life In Prison (SF Appeal)
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