BART fantasy vs. reality
Or, 1956 vs. 1972. Bummer, that. Shared to our Flickr pool by returnoftheyeti.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Or, 1956 vs. 1972. Bummer, that. Shared to our Flickr pool by returnoftheyeti.
Photo by heather
Some of you are surely saying, “Yeah, riiiiiiight.” Others of you are all, “EFF YEAH BASEBALL!”
So, Giants fans, we want to know:
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Photo by eviloars
Photo by thecourtyard
You know that really lame thing that happens, where sometimes when you’re walking and your ankle randomly buckles under the weight of your body? Yeah, that happened to me. While I was running as fast as I could. Across 19th Avenue.
I bit it hard. Bit it for all the students and people in cars to see. And the Muni operator had the best view.
I got up and hobbled my way up the platform, jeans torn, one ankle out of commission. And, big shock, the Muni operator took off without me.
It was that day that I decided never to run for another bus, streetcar, or LRV ever again. Under no circumstances. No way. I don’t even run for BART.
But what about the rest of you: is it worth it to run to catch your bus? Tell me I’m not the only one.
[poll id=”7″]
@whoadoggie had a celebrity sighting the other day: “We have royalty on the J!”
Who/what did you see on Muni today? Share.
We received word this morning via Twitter that a pedestrian had been struck by a bus near Alamo Square:
21 Hayes is going to be rerouted for a bit. Driver hit a ped betw Web. and Fill. Emergency crews on scene. Hope ped is ok. — @KaiKronfield
Now the Examiner has reported that the pedestrian has died from his injuries. We’ll update if we hear more news about this tragic incident.