Photo by @kwpianist
Update: Really, they’re here. Have you sat on the new vinyl, easily wiped-clean BART seats? They arrived last week, and, according to a Bay Citizen report, have that new -car smell. We’ve got an “after” picture of these new fangled BART seats, fresh from the Twitter wires via @kwpianist. Here is another look, courtesy of @Bookpuppy.

If you’re one of the few riders who’s been lucky enough to sit on the new seats, tweet us about it!

Photo by the_gain_card
Original post: BART seats are about to become a lot less disgusting. BART has announced a trial run for its new, easier-to-clean, not-cloth-and-cushion seats. Cars with the new seats will be labeled with a decal, and riders are encouraged to participate in a survey to let the agency know what you think.
One hundred BART train cars have been fitted with the new seats and will be integrated into the fleet gradually.
From BART.gov:
Before BART purchases more seats, on-board surveys will be conducted to determine whether or not customers give the new material a thumbs up. The survey period is expected to run between April 21 and May 2.
If you are lucky enough to ride on one of these cars, let BART know about the experience. Feel free to share your thoughts here, too.
And we have to wonder: Once the entire fleet is fitted with vinyl seats, what will the BART Poop Bandit do?