Has Muni Been Fibbing Its On-Time Reports?
Photo by Rubin 110
It certainly appears that way. A post on The Bay Citizen today asserts:
San Francisco transit officials have redefined time, fudging their statistics to make it look like buses and trains arrive on schedule, The Bay Citizen has found. These numbers are critical in determining the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s efficiency –- and they show the transit agency is much less efficient than it has claimed.
Under the City Charter, Muni vehicles are considered on time if they arrive “no more than one minute early or four minutes late.” But according to Muni’s clock, a minute can last as long as 119 seconds –- or 1 minute, 59 seconds.
Read the rest of the story on The Bay Citizen.
So, this is obviously a case of “Shame on you, SFMTA.” But what do we do about it? Your constructive criticism is appreciated here. No, really.