Definitely on our list of worst Muni stories: people popping zits on the bus. By messtiza
Last month on Reddit, a thread opened asking for people’s worst Muni stories. It’s kind of what you’d expect: shit, vomit, crazy person, vomit, shit in pants, shit on seat, piss in pants, refrain.
And, of course, the occasional old guy who touches a young lady’s leg and jerks off.
A few of favorites include:
Sat down on a seat covered in shit (hopefully it was from an animal) at the Mission and 4th stop. If you saw a guy washing his pants in the Metreon bathroom, that was me. — foofy
Woman carrying a big stack of eggs/crates. Hundreds of eggs. Leaning tower of Pisa style. She’s trying to keep this shit level, but it doesn’t work. It tips and eggs go all over the place. (38 Geary) — firebelly
Read the entire entertaining thread on Reddit for yourself. Maybe grab a barf bag first?
A few of our favorite Muni Diaries horror stories include No. 2 on the 22, Letting out at Sacramento and Fillmore, and A misfired projectile in Tiffany’s airspace
What’s your worst Muni story?