Time to rethink not giving up your seat on Muni
Because, as in this bank commercial from Australia’s Commonwealth Bank, justice can and will be served.
Via Amy.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Because, as in this bank commercial from Australia’s Commonwealth Bank, justice can and will be served.
Via Amy.
Man, we just don’t know what to make of this. Here’s what Andrea has to say:
And here I thought the #SFGiants winning would make happier #muni riders… And no one will sit there now
I mean, would you sit in such a seat?
Photo by Daniel Salo
Clearly, this dude just couldn’t wait to get home, dust off the VCR heads, and get going watching his scrambled-porn-tastic Beverly D’Angelo shower scene from National Lampoon’s Vacation. Followed, of course, by the Phoebe Cates swimming pool scene from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Ah, the ’80s.
Photo by MetaGrrrl
And then there are stories of Muni drivers being RAD.
And here’s the best part: The briefcase contained a personal letter from Barack Obama to Michael Hackamack, the briefcase’s owner. Did the prez mention in this letter that he planned to mop the floor with Mitt Romney’s designer hair gel in last night’s debate?
Also, Hackamack is just a really fun name.
ABC 7 has the whole story.
Photo by Confetti
I’m tempted to leave this at a simple WTF? But, well, yeah, maybe that’s a good idea. Spotted by @FelAdelina
(Disclaimer: I never made it past Algebra 2. I did take a logic course in college [one of my faves], but never saw notation like this.)