Two lemons cuddling on Muni
Well lookee there. Isn’t this a charming sight? Two lemons, taking Muni to … wait, where would lemons be headed to? Not Hot Dog on a Stick, right? Oh-em-gee!!!
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Well lookee there. Isn’t this a charming sight? Two lemons, taking Muni to … wait, where would lemons be headed to? Not Hot Dog on a Stick, right? Oh-em-gee!!!
Okay, confession: We don’t run this site because we love public transit and how it’s the place so many of our lives intersect, how it’s a great San Francisco shared experience, or sometimes, how it’s just plain funny AF. No, we started Muni Diaries because we love dogs. Plain and simple. We love dogs.
Now that that’s established, let’s take a look at some of the visiting dogs who are here for Super Bowl security. We’ll start with Gera, a beautiful TSA K9 seen above on a BART platform. Good girl, Gera!
“Reminder: Downtown traffic detours, #SFMuni changes thru 2/12 for Super Bowl events”
Yeah, right! We locals know. You don’t gotta tell us. Clusterfucks and Brokeback Mountain FOR DAZE!!!!
The Sports Tourist version:
Moar of this, pls.
This beauty was brought forth to the world by Alex Mak at Broke-Ass Stuart
Things don’t always … how to say this? Don’t always gel or align on Muni. But when you’re deep into reading an actual book* and look up to see that another rider is reading THE SAME EXACT BOOK*, what else can you do but strike up a convo?
This exact thing happened recently to Muni rider Stan: “Making friends the old fashioned way: talking to strangers about books.”
* these are apparently not extinct creatures
BART really needs to revisit its slogan. It’s not always “BART, and you’re there.” It’s often “BART, and you are lulled to sleep by the stress and activities of your day coupled with the sound and feel of the train’s wheels on the rail tracks, you sleep deeply, miss your stop, and then you’re … well, there.” Just not the there you wanted.
Hey, at least he’s not blocking the entrance/exit to the train?
h/t BART rider L.C.
Are you sensitive about the consumer culture we live in? Desensitized from ad-overload? What are you gonna do about it? Yeah, you?
Muni rider Karen shares how one of your fellow Muni riders took matters into their own crayon’d hands. My interpretation: A screamer, a laugher, and a masked maniac. Hey, sounds like a typical Muni ride, AMIRITE?