Christopher Imagines Muni’s Ghost Trains

Photo by dannyman

Ever wonder what’s really behind all the things Muni does that frustrate you? Christopher knows the answer.

I got a seat on the Muni underground today and for I think the first time ever I had a clear view of the tunnel as we traveled along. It was pretty cool, although annoying when we stopped because another train was going through the tunnel. Then I thought that maybe all of MUNI’s troubles are due to ghost trains coming and going all night and all day, and then I thought about how that would make for a new TV show.

Read the rest of this daydream at Christopher’s Tumblr.

Your Weekend Transit Advisory: Duboce rail work, Treasure Island event, Urbanathalon, 49ers game

N and J Line Rail and Street Improvements
From 8 p.m., Friday through 5 a.m., Monday, the SFMTA will continue the Church and Duboce project which will include track replacement inside the Muni Metro Tunnel at Duboce Portal. Should weather permit, crews will apply red paint on the center lane of Church Street from 16th Street to Duboce Avenue to make it a transit-only lane. This painting project is part of the Church Street pilot program which aims to reduce delays and improve service reliability for the J Church rail line and 22 Fillmore bus route.

Project details are subject to change due to weather or other operational issues.

Treasure Island Street Closure
On Saturday the following street closure will be required between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. for an event at the San Francisco Gaelic Fields on Treasure Island:

The 108 Treasure Island Muni route will be affected.

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