Generations collide in lone Muni rider
Get your Muni Bingo cards ready, folks!
“So this is happening right now: old dude bro rocker strumming acoustically on the 9 while wearing roller blades.” — @anecdotals
Do we have a winner?
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Get your Muni Bingo cards ready, folks!
“So this is happening right now: old dude bro rocker strumming acoustically on the 9 while wearing roller blades.” — @anecdotals
Do we have a winner?
Photo by rick
Friend of Muni Diaries Sonia is “really embarrassed,” you guys. Here’s her story:
“I knew I deserved the ticket. I totally deserved it! I was so ashamed of myself. I always pay on Muni. Always. I was going to pay this time. I had the $2 in my right hand. But I didn’t pay because I was drunk, and I wanted a few more minutes to chat with my friends.”
Friends, or accomplices? Sonia promises to be an upstanding citizen and purchase a Clipper Card. Attagirl!
Read the full story at The Sonia Show.
You know you’ve wanted to say scream this more than twice on the bus, or just walking around town. Maybe add a “damn” between “your” and “pants” or something.
Via agoosedad on Tumblr.
Photo by stephenlienharrell
You thought your Muni ride was entertaining? Here’s what Nat saw …
The other day I get on the J at around 7PM on a Tuesday, and notice that half of the front car is nearly completely empty, save for a single, very large man and several boxes of bananas. As I board and get a closer look, I realize that this man is in fact wearing an oversized rainbow-colored quilt, and literally has maracas woven into his long, dreadlocked hair. He is also wearing thick sunglasses, despite it being quite dark outside, and has very little to speak of in the way of pants.
A for effort, Muni. Octoferret says, “Metro problems: So common they put up permanent signs for shuttle stops. These are now up at most stops on Market.”
Asses, covered?