To blab on Muni, or not to blab on Muni?

Photo by muir.ceardach

It’s one of those unspoken rules, right? Stand to the right on escalators, let people out of the elevator (or bus or train) before you enter, slower cars to the right, no talking during the morning commute. Or is it?

@davidbicha boasts of a “TwitterWar” he recently waged:

Mini TwitterWar today! I stand by it: there’s an unspoken no-blabbing-during-morning-commute agreement.

We combed Muni Manners for the expert take on this important question, but our search came up empty. I have my personal feelings, but I’d rather know how you feel.

So, dear Muni rider: What do you think about excessive talking during the morning commute on Muni?

If you ride Muni …

The oil consumes a resource.
Photo by TheRealMichaelMoore

… you’re either “into seeing strange things,” oblivious, or just don’t give a damn.

Susan is the former, and posted the following snippet on our Facebook wall.

Guy on bus: are you into seeing strange things?
Me: sure
Him: that guy over there is rubbing motor oil all over his body.
Me: (looked over) Yes, he is. Only in SF.

I had trouble finding a photo to go with this story. I hope you understand.

Follow Muni Diaries on Facebook and share all the sordid and wonderful things that happen on Muni.

Your Weekend Transit Advisory: Hella Giants games, Phelan construction, a protest

Look at all those Giants games! Be advised:

Baseball Game Traffic Reroutes

The San Francisco Giants will play several home games beginning Friday through next Friday at AT&T Park.

Three games against Los Angeles Dodgers:
· 7:15 p.m., Friday
· 6:05 p.m., Saturday
· 5 p.m., Sunday

Two games against Philadelphia Phillies
· 7:15 p.m., Tuesday
· 12:45 p.m., Wednesday

Two games against Atlanta Braves
· 7:15 p.m., Thursday
· 7:15 p.m., Friday

The SFMTA advises motorists of the increased congestion in San Francisco and advises commuters to use transit and avoid using the Bay Bridge on these dates.

For details about transit service to AT&T Park, including connections from Bay Area transit systems to Muni can be found at Regional transit information for BART, Caltrain and the ferries as well as traffic is available at

Phelan Loop Construction
From 1 a.m., Saturday until 4:30 a.m., Monday, the SFMTA will finalize construction work on the Phelan Loop. The new loop configuration will open Monday. For more details, please visit

The following Muni routes will be affected:
· 8X Bayshore Express
· 49 Mission-Van Ness

Thong Protest Demonstration
From noon to 2 p.m., Saturday, the Thong Protest Demonstration will take place at Jane Warner Plaza.

The F Market & Wharves Muni line will be affected.

Five Muni Moments This Week: Sigourney Weaver and LSD

Photo by peterme

The hits, they keep on comin’. Seriously, you guys are awesome. Please don’t stop being awesome.

Our top 5 Muni moments this week include:

  1. OH: “What’s that beeping?” “Well, either the bus is backing up or Sigourney Weaver has set it to self destruct.”
  2. Today I got to ride on a bus with an entire sorority AND fraternity from USF. Dreams really do come true! #sfmuni
  3. OH: “There’s not enough LSD on earth to make me want to have sex with a cat” uh wut #munidiaries
  4. Oh girl on muni with the drifting eyes and faraway expression… are you philosophical and deep, or just really high?
  5. I take different bus lines to change up the scenic route. #FullTimeBlues

These delights were brought to you by: @fishmark, @amandarants, @jess_said_, @_TC_, and @xolindatran. If you’re not already, follow @munidiaries for a front-row seat to the madness!

Transit News: Sealegs bye-bye, Muni PA announcements, Central Subway billing

Photo by torbakhopper

  • BART’s monstrous macrame may bite the dust (SFGate)
  • Muni Metro announcements garbled (SF Chronicle)
  • Muni for today, Muni for tomorrow (Ed Reiskin editorial in SF Examiner)
  • Central Subway consultants overbill $336,000, including cakes, parking ticket (City Insider)
  • Judge strikes down portions of voter-approved S.F. transit labor bargaining measure (SF Examiner)
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