Dude transports Hello Kitty drums on Muni


Have we reached Peak Cute on Muni, or what? This fella got himself (has to be for him) a Hello Kitty drum kit, said “screw it,” got on a crowded M-Ocean View at night, and proceeded to rule the universe.

He joins an elite group of people with musical instruments on Muni. To whit:

Strummin’ away on Muni
Playing the cello on a moving Muni bus
Brass section represented on Muni

h/t Muni rider @jessieestellabrickley

BART Escalators: Broken and Filled With Trash


Used to be we were okay with BART escalators being covered in pee and poo. Then, funny thing happened: We found out that that was the case. BART found out we found out, and decided to do something about it. Sort of.

What has ensued is what feels like centuries (literally!) of broken BART escalators all over the Bay Area.

BART rider and friend of Muni Diaries @TheRealWBTC noticed recently that at least one out-of-service escalator at Powell Street Station has, um, started to fill up with a different kind of waste (above, from below, and above from below).


My question for BART: What exactly is going on here?

Your Annual ‘Take Muni to Giants Games’ Notice


We’ve been through this before, you guys. Still, doesn’t matter. Baseball is back! Spring has sprung! Muni vehicles anywhere remotely close to AT&T Park on game days will be that special snowflake shitshow we’ve all come to expect, whether we accept it or not.

Still, and rightly so, SFMTA really wants us to take Muni to the game. If you’re not hoofin’ it, riding your bike (the SF Bike Coalition offers free bicycle storage right there in the belly of the stadium, btw), or god forbid, taking a car (for shame!), here’s some info that might pertain to you:

Opening Day for the 2016 Major League Baseball season is nine days away and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) encourages San Francisco Giants fans to make their plans for getting to and from AT&T Park on game days […] The Giants will play 81 regular season home games this year at AT&T Park, April 7 through Oct. 2. The Giants’ home opener is Thursday, April 7.

And here are the routes that will get you to or close to your favorite baseball team:

  • T Third
  • N Judah
  • 10 Townsend
  • 30 Stockton
  • 45 Union
  • 47 Van Ness

Oh, and if you’re going to today’s game, here’s a note you can show your boss, signed by Gold Glove/Silver Slugger Brandon Crawford (courtesy San Francisco Giants Baseball Club):


Photo by rebecca olarte

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