Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Video: Train nearly takes out senator on platform during safety conference

You know those yellow dotted lines on the platform? They’re there for a good reason. In this hilarious video, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal held a press conference on a platform at the Milford Metro-North station to discuss its safety record and a train nearly takes him out.

Fittingly the train speeds by and knocks everything over just as Blumenthal said, “Safety, as you know, is paramount.”

via Rider Amy, who found the video on Gawker

Video: Writer Annalee Newitz’s story of Muni vs. obnoxious driver

Photo by Kevin Wong/Right Angle Images

Science writer Annalee Newitz fulfilled our geek dreams by sharing a story of how Muni is actually on the side of righteousness when an obnoxious driver gets in its way. I particularly love that she recounted the early days of being in the tech industry in the Bay Area. Here’s the video of her terrific story as told at Muni Diaries Live on April 5.

Missed this show? We’ve got the spring show recap and recap of all of our past shows to tide you over.

Doughnut Hooligans on Muni

muni donut hooligans

Rider Judy ran into two suspects involved in a baked goods heist and sent us her illustrated conversation.

These hooligans seem pretty innocent compared to, say, the soccer hooligans in Among the Thugs, which, incidentally is probably the best book about hooligans.

What interesting characters did you run into during your commute today? Tell us all about it at!

Today in history: 3 amazing photos of cable powerhouses after the 1906 earthquake

muni cable car san francisco earthquake
Photo via SFMTA Photo Shelter by John Henry Mentz

At 5:12 a.m. on April 18, 1906, a powerful earthquake shook San Francisco. Here are three terrible yet amazing photos from the SFMTA photo shelter of the cable car powerhouses after the quake. In the photo above, take at the Washington and Mason powerhouse, a cable car is covered in falling debris from the power and car house smokestack. This photo was taken by John Henry Mentz.

Two more photos from the archive, both taken at the Oak and Broderick powerhouse.
oak and broderick power house san francisco earth quake muni

muni sfmta 1906 earthquake cable car power house

Head over to the SFMTA Photo Shelter to see rest of “United Railroads 1906 | After the Earthquake” gallery.

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