Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Check out these amazing photos of Muni ruins

todd lappin transit ruins 2

Todd Lappin of Bernalwood photographed an amazing series of transit ruins at Muni’s Marin Division Yard. These defunct streetcars are either waiting for restoration or to be taken apart piecemeal to restore other vehicles active in the fleet, Todd writes in his Medium story. The images are spooky and stunning, and you should definitely venture over to his photo story to see more.

todd lappin transit ruins 1

t/t: the ever-wonderful CurbedSF.

This Muni cake is here to make your day

Photo by Pretty Please

Combining two of the most San Francisco things in one cake, Alison at Pretty Please Bakeshop in the Richmond whipped up this amazing Muni bus wedding cake with a big Giants ad on its side! The cake was for Lisa and her husband Mark, who met on a 1-BX Muni bus they both use to take to and from work.

Lisa told us the story of how they met. If this doesn’t encourage you to make more bus friends, I don’t know what will! Read more

How Not to Make a Three-Point Turn

Photo by Gary via Muni rider Deb

UPDATE: Photog and submitter say this was a training bus: Double oof, if so.

In all fairness, it is really, really hard to make a three-point turn in the city.

Muni rider Deb shared this photo by Gary on the Muni Diaries Facebook page. Oof, right on the busy corner of Stockton and Columbus, too, where I wouldn’t even want to drive a Smart car, much less an articulated bus.

Apparently, after a couple more tries (blocking traffic all the while), the bus driver finally was able to get out of the way without taking down the tree or the building. No word on whether his or her pride was intact.

Gold, Silver, and Bronze Winners of Muni Awesome

Photo by Daniel Hoherd

Everyone is a unique beautiful snowflake in his or her own way (mom told us as much, and we’re sticking to it), but these three spotted on Muni win our awesome Olympics this week. Cue your armful of flowers and cry faces now for:

  1. The N driver who goes “Choo choo! Chuga-chuga-chuga!” Can we clone him?
  2. The old man who plays his NWA video on speakerphone on Muni. No, seriously, thank you.
  3. In which it’s the oldest guy who gives his seat up for the Marine vet in leg braces & cane. #munidiaries #OutboundL #sfmuni

This week’s Things on Muni Olympics Special is brought to you by @goldfine, @brendanstarr, and @ATCPeter. Share your nominees @munidiaries.

Thursday Night: PUBlic Transit Crawl

mad dog in the fog guiness
Photo by Jorge Gonzalez

This Thursday evening, the San Francisco Transit Riders Union is hosting a Muni pub crawl fundraiser where $40 gets you a year-long SFTRU membership, four drink tickets, and some commuter camaraderie. Here’s the schedule:

Thursday, August 14th:
5:00: Mr. Smith’s, 34 Seventh St (Civic Center)
5:40: 71L-Haight/Noriega
6:00: Mad Dog in the Fog, 530 Haight St (Lower Haight)
6:40: 6 Parnassus
7:00: Martin Macks, 1568 Haight St (Upper Haight)
7:40: 71-Haight/Noriega
8:00: Yancy’s Saloon, 734 Irving (Inner Sunset)
8:40: N-Judah or your own route home

I think it’s a universal law that booze plus Muni will get you some funny tweets for @munidiaries. Amirite?

Impromptu Concert at the Muni Stop

muni stop concert by faern
Photo by faern

Muni rider faern sent in this perfect little slice of San Francisco city life at the Church and Duboce Muni stop. She says:

A trombone. A guitar. Two skateboarders. A hippie on a bike doing circles. People in suits waiting for the train and a whole lotta annoyed bicyclists #life at #thebusstop #muni

Got your own very SF moment today? Send it over on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook – just tag @munidiaries.

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