Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

When Women Rule the World: what I learned on the 1 California

Not Connie Chung, but still

Not Connie Chung, but still

I was on the 1 California with my younger sister and cousin when a man wearing his Army uniform came to sit next to us. It’s such a beautiful day, he said, too bad the economy is in the dumps. We laugh and agree. Then he said:

“But you guys, you will do fine, women make better decisions! This bad stuff wouldn’t happen if women ran the world, you know, like Hillary Clinton. Also, I like that Connie Chung too.”

Not missing a beat, my sister said:

“Isn’t Connie Chung busy having babies with Maury Povich?”

Very helpful, Muni

I happened to be at Powell Street station Thursday night trying to get an underground train toward Embarcadero. The hanging signs were not displaying anything, so I trekked over to see what the LCD said.

I was greeted with this:

<img src=”” alt=”Muni display” />

If you can’t see it on the smaller image, look at <a href=””>the larger one</a>. Yup, that’s a broken-image X. Thanks, guys.

— Beth W.

<i>Beth really wanted to see that red X travel slowly from West Portal to Powell so she could hop on and ride it to goodness-knows-where.</i>

Driver of 8366 on 43-Masonic, You’re Pretty Cool

off your trolley

Rarely do you have that driver who, after shutting his doors and cranking his diesel-hybrid engine, stops for you. Rarely do you have that driver who answers whether or not his bus passes Lincoln and 14th – and goes a step further with suggestions on how to get there. Rarely do you have the driver who waits for the 80-year-old lady with a cane to take her seat before pulling the clutch. And rarely do you have the driver who smiles at you – during rush hour. Thanks, man. What can I do for you? Does screaming “thank you!” upon exiting really help in showing my appreciation?


Meep, meep!

Has anyone else noticed that the new energy-efficient Muni buses have really wimpy-sounding horns?

Anyone who’s ridden Muni knows that its drivers LOVE blaring their horns to warn other drivers they’re a-comin’ and give them one last shot at dodging certain death, and the old buses have a fairly loud, satisfying horn that makes it clear. (You’d think it’s clear enough that an enormous vehicle is bearing down on you and about to accordion your car, but no.)

But the new ones make a “Meep, meep!” sound roughly equivalent to the horn in a Honda Civic. Not very threatening, is it?

— Beth W.

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