Maybe I haven’t seen everything about Muni. Standing on the sidewalk at Van Ness and McAllister, last Friday at about 5:30 p.m., I had to pinch myself to make sure I was seeing right. A guy was getting on the rear most door of a Muni bus (illegally of course), struggling with three things: two large duffle type bags and (!) a regular size grocery store cart.
Yes, a shopping cart one would use at Safeway! Amazingly he got it on – all of it. After the bit of work he did, I noticed an inspector flailing his arms as he tried to make his way down the now crowded bus, yelling “no, no, no, you can’t…”. The man obliged by tossing the cart out the same back door right onto the middle of the bus zone on the street.
I was so in awe of the scene I didn’t even remember I had my camera with me and didn’t take a picture 🙁
If you find yourself witness to odd boardings, or have any other Muni stories to tell, tell it here.
Photo by Flickr user jpockele.