ON IT – Behind the Scenes – Bus Timelapse from Shadow Angel Films on Vimeo.
A lot of urban life happens on the bus, and filmmakers Heather Donnell and Chris R. Smith are making a short film about just that. Their movie is called “On It,” and they’ve just rented a Muni bus last Sunday for some pivotal scenes, watch this time-lapsed movie.
So what happens on the bus in this movie? From Heather and Chris:
ON IT is about a relationship under pressure and the complications that get in the way of the couple’s attempts to communicate. Six months into their relationship, Craig and Angela each have something important to tell each other, but can they find the courage to say it? One bus ride changes the course of their relationship forever.
Hmm. Mysterious and intrigue!
Heather told me they rented the bus by working with the San Francisco Film Commission Office and the San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency: “There was lots of paperwork to obtain the permit, but both organizations were extremely helpful at pushing it through. We had a great experience with the bus inspector and the MUNI driver on the shoot day too.” You can find out more about the movie and Heather and Chris’s other projects at the Shadow Angel Films website.