Who has a case of the Mondays?
Photo by Beth W.
Ah. Very well, then.
Your place to share stories on and off the bus.
Photo by Beth W.
Ah. Very well, then.
Photo by Todd Gilens
We’re extending the Endanger Bus Photo Competition until May 20th because the buses are going to be in circulation for a few more weeks! That means you still have the chance to win $150 and publication in Bay Nature magazine. These beautifully wrapped buses are the results of a brilliant idea by artist Todd Gilens, who chased down a few of the buses and had a Muni diary of his own:
Buses move slowly when you are on them waiting to get to your destination. But they move very quickly when you are trying to photograph them – and it’s amazing how chaotic the streets are. I was chasing the Butterflybus on the 71 down Noriega toward the beach. A friend was driving; we kept passing the bus, jumping out, then letting it pass us while trying to get a good background, light, etc. Trucks would pull up, the bus wouldn’t stop where we expected, poles were ending up smack in the middle of a shot, it was hard to tell if we got anything.
At the end of the line the driver asked me what we were up to. I told him about the project and about endangered animals and insects. He said, oh yes there used to be a lot more different kinds; now mostly ants. Ha, we both laugh – Argentine ants, he adds. Transit is also an ecosystem, I said. The bus driver agreed and said that the competitors are mostly cars. Time to go; we shake hands, “Nice talking with you!” and off he goes. The light behind me now, I try to get a few last shots as the bus turns onto 47th heading back downtown.
Did you see an Endanger bus today?
Find the Endangered Species buses and catch them with your camera in motion or at rest.
Enter up to four images by emailing them to endangerbuscontest@baynature.org (minimum 1500 pixels in length or width)
To find the buses, use the real-time bus tracker on Bay Nature’s Endanger Bus page.
First place receives $150 and publication in Bay Nature Magazine.
Second place receives two tickets to the San Francisco Zoo and two $10 Clipper Cards.
Five other entrants will be picked at random to receive $10 clipper cards.
ENTRY DEADLINE: 11 p.m., May 20th, 2011.
Photo by Muni Better Late Than Never
This is gonna sell like hot cakes!
Jeni and Keith, photo courtesy Vividotonline.com
We found some non-royalties (as far as we know) whose wedding transportation of choice is a little more down to earth. Jeni and Keith met on the 5-Fulton, and the proposal happened right under the Muni shelter where they met. Their graphic designer, Molly Gaines, kept the Muni theme in the couple’s save-the-date cards.
Muni is no stranger to love: we gathered all the wedding/love stories we have received in this year’s Valentine’s Day roundup, which includes Eric, who met his wife on the bus, and the love-ly Heather and Ed.
Congrats, Keith and Jeni!
Now, does anybody have Prince Harry’s phone number?
Ariel, you have no idea.
In this video, Ariel opens Muni Diaries Live’s third anniversary show with his very personal and very awesome story that happened his freshman year in high school.
“I never had a girlfriend before; I never kissed a girl before, but somehow I found out that this really pretty girl, this really cool girl who was a flutist, liked me. Like, like me liked me. I was just overwhelmed but somehow we ended up going out…I mean, going together. It wasn’t “going out” yet. I didn’t really know what to do. I mean, I’d never had a girlfriend before. But I knew some of the first steps that I had to do. So I got rid of all my friends, and spent all my lunches with her; I didn’t talk to anybody else, we held hands, and said I love you a lot. And I was like, this is a lot easier than I thought!”
Oh, but teenage love is never that easy. Watch the video for the rest of Ariel’s story.
At the club, my friend B. who was visiting from New York (mainly to see the Spice Girls reunion tour with me) went home with this guy. You kind of have to know B., but it was basically the most precious thing ever — if there were a gay Precious Moments statuette, it would look like them holding each other on the side of the bar.
I will never look at Precious Moments figurines the same way ever again.
Read about the rest of the evening with Lil Miss Hot Mess on I Live Here:SF.