Photo by Keoki Seu
Tweet us your Muni/BART/Caltrain ride to tomorrow’s Giants Tweetup game, and you can win a handsome leather beer holster! Imagine yourself at the game toting your $6 Bud Lite in a custom leather beer holster by Brew Holster Cult, leaving your hands free to catch a foul ball or flip off any Indians fans who cross your path. All you have to do is tweet us something amusing about your Muni/BART/Caltrain ride to the game and we’ll choose a random lucky winner.
Include an #sfgiants hashtag, and @munidiaries, @bartdiaries, or @caltraindiaries at the end of your tweet to make sure we put your name in the hat, and follow us on Twitter to find out the winner.
Again, to recap:

I mean, seriously, all you gotta do is tweet at us about your ride and you get this:

If you want a more children-friendly prize, we also have an adorable Muni Diaries baby onesie and a gift bag of Chronicle Books to give away to two more winners who tweet their Giants ride to us.
Fine print: anyone who tweets their Giants ride at @munidiaries, @bartdiaries, and @caltraindiaries is eligible. We won’t be able to retweet all of you because we’ll be too busy woo-hooing our beloved World Series champions at the game, but rest assured that your name will be in the hat for the three prizes. We’ll announce the winner here and on Twitter on Saturday.
So keep your eyes peeled and ears open for great fan photos, overheard shenanigans, and other happenings on your ride to AT&T Park, and share what you see.