Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Photo Diary: Your Pride Weekend on Muni

Photo by Andy Orin

How was your pride weekend? Beautiful sunshine, spirited people, what else can you ask for? Oh, right, how about pink superheros helping out a stuck Muni bus, as spotted on MissionMission? You gotta love San Francisco.

Here are some photos of people celebrating Pride on and around Muni. If you have more photos, please send them our way!

Photo by Andy Orin

Photo by @_CrimsonRegret_

Photo by @gpanger

San Francisco Pride Parade 2011
Photo by Stephen Sass

Photo by Ed Casey

Weekend Photos: Look Closer

Modern violence
Photo by moppet65535

So many things going on this week! It is Pride Weekend, so make sure you check out the Muni reroutes for Pride Celebration before you leave the house.

I’ve got three more things for you to do this weekend:
1. Today’s Giants tweetup: tweet us your transit ride to the Giants Tweetup game and you can win a beer holster !
2. Art I.S. Getting (T)Here, the art show on themes of transportation and journey, at their pop up gallery in the Inner Sunset.
3. Take the 22 to Beunos Aires! Metronome Dance Collective, a sponsor of Muni Diaries Live, is hosting the Tango Experience on Saturday night.

Enjoy these photos and your weekend!

Finding beauty on MUNI #surfaces
Photo by Colin Fahrion

Photo by Justin Beck

Just Waiting for the Bus
Photo by Ariel Dovas

Red Monday: Red Stripe
Photo by Bhautik Joshi

Where Banksy Meets Caltrain

Photo by Angela Kilduff

Update: Just as soon as it appeared, the “I apologise” Banksy (ish) painting has been painted over a few days after we posted. Sigh. So fleeting.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So Banksy should be feeling pretty pumped right now (or if I was him, I would be). A Banksy-esque piece of graffiti has been spotted near the 22nd St. Caltrain Station. We’re guessing it’s new, based on the number of reports about it we’ve seen today. We’re also guessing it isn’t Banksy, since there haven’t been other sightings.

Muni Diarist Eugenia also nabbed a photo as she sped by this morning.

Anyone know who’s behind this imitation/emulation or when it showed up?

Ride public transit from SF to LA. Seriously.

We thought we love public transportation here at Muni Diaries, but SFWeekly’s Joe Eskanazi took it 10 steps beyond in this week’s cover story: In Transit: From SF to LA. Working with Matt Nelson of, Joe took only public transportation on his journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles. His trip, of course, started on Muni.

The N-Owl pulls up at Haight and Fillmore at 4:11 a.m. Somewhat surprisingly, it already has 16 passengers. Not surprisingly at all, the bus is already thick with the official Muni odor — BO ineffectively masked by Old Spice with hints of pee. Sunflower seeds are scattered beneath the seats and the floors are already movie theater-sticky. A man wearing a Philadelphia Eagles knit cap repeatedly smacks himself on the forehead; his pensive expression indicates some elusive knowledge is on the tip of his tongue. The driver’s eyes meet mine. He exhales deeply. “It’s Monday,” he sighs.

Knit cap man stumbles off the bus at Fourth and King streets along with all the other riders. It’s a shade after 4:30, and the Caltrain station glows like a beacon. Every last soul on the 4:55 train to San Jose is blearily staring at something: a computer screen, a newspaper, or simply straight ahead in an early morning stupor. No train car has more than three riders seated in it; it’s a tight-knit club, and the passengers and ticket-checkers are on a first-name basis.

But once you venture past familiar cities, Joe says, you go beyond “the point where passengers are riding transit because it’s convenient or environmentally responsible. This is the trip of last resort.”

Read about the rest of his trip on SFWeekly’s cover story.

Tweet Your Ride to the Giants game, Get a Beer Holster

Muni vantage point
Photo by Keoki Seu

Tweet us your Muni/BART/Caltrain ride to tomorrow’s Giants Tweetup game, and you can win a handsome leather beer holster! Imagine yourself at the game toting your $6 Bud Lite in a custom leather beer holster by Brew Holster Cult, leaving your hands free to catch a foul ball or flip off any Indians fans who cross your path. All you have to do is tweet us something amusing about your Muni/BART/Caltrain ride to the game and we’ll choose a random lucky winner.

Include an #sfgiants hashtag, and @munidiaries, @bartdiaries, or @caltraindiaries at the end of your tweet to make sure we put your name in the hat, and follow us on Twitter to find out the winner.

Again, to recap:

I mean, seriously, all you gotta do is tweet at us about your ride and you get this:

If you want a more children-friendly prize, we also have an adorable Muni Diaries baby onesie and a gift bag of Chronicle Books to give away to two more winners who tweet their Giants ride to us.

Fine print: anyone who tweets their Giants ride at @munidiaries, @bartdiaries, and @caltraindiaries is eligible. We won’t be able to retweet all of you because we’ll be too busy woo-hooing our beloved World Series champions at the game, but rest assured that your name will be in the hat for the three prizes. We’ll announce the winner here and on Twitter on Saturday.

So keep your eyes peeled and ears open for great fan photos, overheard shenanigans, and other happenings on your ride to AT&T Park, and share what you see.

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