Halloween or Muni or Williamsburg?
Photo by @hotchallah
Photo by Brian
Jack Sparrow riding the bus? Why not. Is this Halloween or just Johnny Depp on his way to work?
Photo by @metsfaninCA
Whoa, how can you breathe under there? Is this a Halloween Thing or just regular Muni Thing?
Photo by @simplepunkk
Halloween or Muni’s revenge on organized religion? (via @simplepunkk)
Photo by @cleverdirt
What do you think, Halloween or traveling back in time on Muni?
Ok here’s an easy one from @JamesTamplin.
Photo by @JamesTamplin
His tiny size and candy pail are dead giveaways.
One more: this is not Muni. But is it Halloween? From the awesome Halloween or Williamsburg.
“And just like that, the American Apparel mannequin got up, stole a bag, and exited the store.”