Author: eugenia
5 More Days to Submit Your Bus Ad in 100 Muni Stories!
We’ve been celebrating 100 years of Muni by hosting the “100 Days, 100 Muni Stories” contest. A portion of your story could end up on an ad inside the bus! 100 days goes by quickly, and we are in the last week of the contest. The contest ends Tuesday, July 31 at 11:59 p.m., so get your stories in now, or send us tweets by using the hash tag #100MuniStories.
And if you’re wondering what literary heavyweight will be judging the best Muni story, we’ve got that covered. The wonderfully funny and talented Isaac Fitzgerald will be our guest judge for the “100 Days, 100 Muni Stories” contest. Isaac is the managing editor of The Rumpus and has regaled you with his own Muni stories at Muni Diaries Live (bus hero, heyo!).
So get your stories and tweets to us. Only five more days until public transit fame could be yours.
Take a Photo of Yourself With New Interactive Ad on Muni Shelters
According to D’s email:
At the outbound 38 Geary stop on Powell St. is an interactive ad for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. You use the touch screen to take a picture of yourself via the built in camera, choose a background, then use the text code generated to load the ‘postcard’ onto your smart phone!
These ads are by the company Engine Company 1. The idea is to transform the shelters into a “virtual aquarium.” Here is a post with more photos of the ads and a little more about their idea.
Playing with this ad was pretty fun (reminds me of the Yahoo neighborhood game last year). Have you seen other notable pieces from Madison Avenue on our Muni shelters? Comment away, please.
Hot Trend Now: Muni Punk Rock Cat
Photo by @shanasarett
Weekend Photos: Perspectives
Photo by Daniel Hoherd
Enjoy these photos and your weekend!
Photo by Benjamin Soto
Photo by Raphael Chekroun
Photo by sfinblackandwhite
Photo Diary: He Created Better Buses Elsewhere
Photo by @psymansaywhat
Folks on Muni leave all kinds of messages and advice for free. Such as:
Thank you, @psymansaywhat, for the Instagram find.
What other worldly messages did you receive on your commute today? Our inbox is open.