Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

On Muni, Bring Your Own Chair. Lots of Them.

Photo by ltyote

Muni newbie lesson number one: that clear liquid on your seat? It’s not water. So what do experienced Muni riders do? Bring your own seats, of course. While running Muni Diaries from our living rooms the last few years, we have seen so many DIY seating submissions that I had to put them all together here just for pure amusement.

Here are all the chairs we’ve spotted on Muni. So. Many. Chairs! Read more

Shortest Break-Up Letter

Photo by courtchops

Kind of the opposite of “it’s not you, it’s me,” which of course means it’s really…you.

A random sticker spotted by courtchops on the 18-46th Avenue.

Other important messages found on Muni:

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