Five Lovelorn Muni Riders Want To Know If You’re The One
Photo by David Lytle
If you’re still secretly wishing you had a date for Valentine’s Day (but publicly denouncing the Hallmark-esque insincerity of the holiday itself), I found five great San Francisco singles for you. These guys and girls are environmentally conscious, technology savvy, financially responsible, with sensitive writerly souls.
Oh, all right. These are bus riders who wrote Craigslist missed connection ads. But hey, with less than 24 hours until doomsday, this is no time to be picky. We didn’t correct grammar or punctuation mistakes in the ads because…I think that’s pertinent information you need to know.
So if you’re looking for a last-minute date, especially if you are the girl who wore black and white snowflake skirts and tights (or if you’re the girl who bought a painting and gave the dude a fake phone number), you might be the one they’re looking for!
Here are our Muni-riding singles: