Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Top Five Muni Moments of the Week

muni rider by patrick o
Photo by Patrick O

This week we find out that Murphy’s Law dictates maximum embarrassment when you are caught without your fare. Here are your top five big Muni moments of the week!

1. Driver (over the intercom, as two guys board the train with fishing poles): “I wanna go fishin with y’all!”

2. Best excuse we’ve heard on Muni so far: Man outside to Muni driver: “I just got out of jail man, let me on the bus.”

3. Rider Matt smelled durian on the 29 and hoped that the owner of this tropical treat will share the wealth. We think Matt might be the only one wishing for durian on the bus, though.

4. Nutrition lesson overheard on the 38L: Mom holding cow doll: “What do cows eat?” Child: “Pizza!” Mom: I don’t know. Pizza is heavily processed.”

5. There’s no shame worse than not paying your fare and being escorted off by Muni Police in front of all the babes. Lesson learned.

This week’s Muni moments feature @jawanzadbl, @sallypinata, @medium_matt, @xxriabellaxx, and @laurent4508. Got your own Muni moment? Tweet it to us at @munidiaries!

Controversial “Jihad” Ads Are Back on Muni

Controversial “Jihad” ads are back on Muni again, but city officials want you to know that they don’t like it. The ads feature quotes by Osama bin Laden, the alleged Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hassan, and other Muslims, reports KQED. KQED also reports that the ads were purchased by Pamela Geller and the American Freedom Defense Initiative, who also put ads critical of Islam on Muni buses in 2012.

From SFWeekly:

Readers may have noticed the Osama bin Bus motoring around the city this week and stridently pro-Israel ads on buses last year. Muni claims it must take these paid ads from anti-Muslim extremists or end up on the losing side of a First Amendment case — as New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority did last year.

SFWeekly says that the ads appear on the 16X, 31BX, 52, and 108 lines.

You might remember that last year, Muni decided to donate the proceeds from the ads. Supervisor David Chiu is again proposing a resolution that the proceeds from this round of advertisement be donated to fund a study on the impact of post 9-11 hate and discrimination on Arab and Muslim communities, reports KQED.

Have you seen these ads and what do you think the SFMTA should do with the ad proceeds?

Mr. Fly-Away Pants on Muni

muni haf art
Photo by tay_bay32

Eva’s Muni ride was made a lot more eventful when a wardrobe malfunction happened on the bus. She wants to know if you saw it too.

Today (March 7, 2013) around 4:30pm: I got off of the 14-Mission on Mission and Geneva and remembered that I actually got off too soon, so I turned back and waited for people to continue exiting the back door so that I could board back on.

Then this raggedy dude, who was probably drunk or just stupid, stepped down the Muni steps. As soon as he stepped on the sidewalk, his pants dropped to his ankles and he was butt naked! No underwear! No nothing!  So of course I look away and move away! People laughed and were shocked by what we just witnessed. He mumbled a sound like “oh,” but didn’t pull his pants up!

I got on the bus and looked back. I saw the naked man’s pale, wrinkled butt pissing in the Bank of America parking lot. I guess he walked with his pants down from Muni’s back door to the bank parking lot. Not caring who saw him. GROSS!


Well. Sometimes when you gotta go, you gotta go.

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