Eugenia Chien has been eavesdropping on the 47, 49, or 1 lines since the mid-90's. She lives by the adage, "Anything can happen on Muni" (and also, "That's not water.")

Attack at Grove/Van Ness Muni Stop

muni city hall cara in sf
Photo by Carainsf

Muni rider Erin and her friend told us that they were attacked last Friday at the Grove and Van Ness Muni stop. She sent us her account of the harrowing experience.

Last Friday at 12:30 a.m., my friend and I were walking back from a concert on Fell street up Van Ness. When we crossed to walk in front of City Hall, a group of guys attacked us at the Muni stop on Grove and Van Ness. I think it’s the 47/49 stop right behind City Hall. It was about five or six boys, all looked like teenagers or young adults. It seemed like they had it planned, and they just started beating the crap out of my friend as I tried to call for help. Read more

Pop-Up Barber Shop at the Muni Stop

outdoor haircut
Photo by Russell Kwok

Muni rider redseca2 learned that there is a convenient electrical outlet on Muni shelters that can be put to very interesting use.

The Route: 6-Parnassus, inbound morning commute, a little after 8 a.m.

As the bus pulled into the Haight Street/Buena Vista West stop, some of the regular overnight campers from the park were gathered at the bus stop, but not waiting for the bus. I guess they must of had the day off. Anyway, some of these folk must have long term leases in the park because you come to recognize them, and they are certainly well-versed in the available amenities.

But I was surprised to see a guy with an electric hair trimmer giving another fellow a professional hair cut as he sat in the bus shelter. Read more

Muni Douchebag of the Week (or Year)

Photo by Michael

Rider Cat witnessed some truly terrible behavior on the J last week. Things got so violent that calling it “douchebaggery” is putting it mildly.

I was on the 8:15 a.m. J last Friday. There were a group of teenagers, lounging as they usually do, trying to take up multiple seats. Whatever, they do that all the time.

At some point, one of the teenagers started yelling and screaming about how some older man had “moved his leg.” The teen was sitting in the first row of seats that face the driver cabin. The leg in question was sprawled in front of him so that he could block people from sitting in the elderly/handicap seats. Read more

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